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Blueprint Apartments

His legs weren't responsible for keeping him upright and stable. No, they couldn't be, not when they felt so numb and feeble all of a sudden. It was obvious that the embrace of the older's veiny arms around his lower waist was the factor not only keeping him on two feet but also savoring whatever was left of his sanity.

And as much as he didn't want to admit it to avoid the regrowth of guilt and, to not draw up conclusions solely based on the moment and thoughts that he'd most likely regret later, Felix couldn't lie and say that that wasn't the best kiss that he'd ever had. Yes, he was in a loving relationship for a while but, goodness, standing there in a cloud-like choreography with the lips of another-

Standing there with eyes closed under the balcony's moonlight and back slightly arched whilst a man held on to him so securely, even the very idea of heaven seemed invaluable when compared with the earthly sensations that they were both experiencing.

But alas, they had to pull away for the necessity of oxygen, and they couldn't help but label it as pathetic since something so lovely and favorable had to be halted for its sake. Nevertheless, their faces remained in close proximity; foreheads pressed together, warm breaths fanning each other's faces and, a small smile lifting both their cheeks, making Felix's blush deepen at the flaunting of the older's dimples.

"You love me?" Chan whispered, snaking a hand up from Felix's hip to hold and stroke one of his freckled cheeks. "I feel bad that someone was broken because of me... and I know it's selfish but... I'm kind of- I'm kind of happy... because I love you too..."

"I figured," Felix giggled, head leaning forward after a heavy breath to kiss Chan's lips again; softer, shorter, and even moister that time. But then he sniffled. His face scrunched and, his eyes closed in an attempt to limit the number of tears that started their way down. "I'm sorry," he coughed, sighing when Chan cupped both his cheeks to wipe them up. "I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be sorry, Felix," Chan mumbled near his ear upon taking him closer to his clothed chest, pressing gentle, comforting kisses to his head. "It's not your fault, okay? If anything, it's mine... but let's not go pointing fingers. The heart wants what it wants, and neither of us should be blamed for that," he pushed Felix forward by his shoulders, periodically leaning in to rest soft pecks along his cheeks.

"Yes but," Feix paused, shaking his head and breaking down into Chan's chest, "I- I still have a problem, and I don't want to end up hurting you in the end... if we try anything."

"Hey," Chan hummed, completely getting where Felix was coming from, and honestly growing kind of fearful, because of that. But he hated that feeling- he hated the messed up assumptions that his mind was brewing for the younger boy, no matter how realistic they seemed.

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