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The View Apartments- Penthouse

Her presence was frustrating. And to add to the utmost irritation of her very being, the female was being clingy. Her hands, smoother than the sheer coarseness of her personality, teasingly traced the outline of her fiance's abs and arms, keeping up with their persistence despite the huffs and shifts of disapproval performed by the older male.

Her breath, warm and discomforting, tickled the other's nape, whilst her lower half, quite moist on its more downward parts, ground upwards to meet the curve of his bottom.

"Channie," she whispered, needy, the grinding of her hips becoming more desperate as her face lifted to lick and nip at his earlobe. "Channie let's try again..."

"Amy fuck off." Chan groaned tiredly, trying his best to scoot as close to the edge of the bed as possible without falling over. "I'm not in the mood."

"But why? Stop thinking about yourself. Think about me- think about your mother." She whined, the slightly plump carving of her lips curving downwards, and her upper body lifting to lean her back against the headboard so irksomely. "You-"

"Amy I said fuck off, please. Why the hell are you so banked on having a child anyway? We aren't even married yet, and it's been barely three months since we moved to Korea. Take your damn time." Chan sucked his teeth, rolling his eyes and sighing before mentally settling on the decision to move to the couch for the weakest imitation of a peaceful rest. "Not even my mother is that desperate for a grandchild, and I'm in this damn relationship for her." He mumbled the last part, scoffing as he strolled farther and farther away from the bed with a comfy blanket in hand.

"Chan, why are you acting like this?" Amy whined foolishly, cheeks puffing out before exhaling deeply and disrupting a few of the long, brunette strands that tickled her face. "You're not even communicating with me. Did you even go to the clinic today like you said you would?"

And at that, Chan halted his steps, fingernails replacing their fleshy bottoms in a grip on the blanket in his hold so unreasonably hard and, head tilting a little to the side to provide little to no view of his back- the dramatic appearance of his stance paving the perfect way for the equally theatrical content of his confession.

"Uhm," he started, retracting his steps to claim a rather uncomfortable seat at the edge of the bed. "I- I did visit... but you came back from work late, so I didn't want to overwhelm you..."

"Overwhelm...? What do you mean overwhelm me? Is something really wrong?" She questioned cautiously, knees taking her closer to the male's back to prep both hands against his bare shoulders. "Is it- is something wrong with me... Channie? Is that why you don't want to touch me...?"

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