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Blueprint Apartments

For Changbin, it was that one moment where excitement and joy were eating him so much inside that he just had to let it out. And on the regular, he'd expect an equal reaction from the one who would be made known of his reason for such contentment so, that fact was enough to fuel his legs, even more, out of the elevator and to the door of his apartment.

"Baby," he shouted as soon as he walked in, arms opening wide after locking the door behind him and, thumbs pointing at his upper body in a jokingly boastful manner. Calling again with an unwavering, wide smile on his face, Changbin rushed over to their bedroom since Felix was nowhere to be seen on the way there. "Baby, you in there?"

"Hey," a groggy Felix turned from his side to his back, rubbing a palm over his eyes and, smiling back at the jovial man approaching their bed. "You look happier than usual."

"Baby, you wouldn't believe what happened today," Changbin giggled, jumping onto the empty side of their bed, and hoping that the news he planned on sharing would be the key to the locked door that was nursing the stated tension in their relationship. "I had the absolute best day at work."

"What happened?" Felix tried to sound enthusiastic, but the harsh bite that he gifted to his lower lip was enough to say how he himself knew that he was failing. But after a day of being ignored by a man that he really thought he had something with, what else could he do, right? It hurt when Chan sent him an entire freaking schedule about dates with Kai, and none of them included his participation.

Yeah, so Felix was quite down about that. But Changbin didn't need to know that...

"I got a promotion!" Changbin squealed, too caught up in his joy for those few seconds to take note of the sort of dry look resting on Felix's face. Yeah, the latter was smiling, but its closed-lip state was too tight and forced to be persuasive. And yes, he started soft claps with his hands, as well as let out low hums of approval with tired breaths but, that wasn't happiness.

Maybe he was proud and, maybe he was internally mirroring the visible satisfaction of his boyfriend but, he didn't show it as needed. And when Changbin's squeal finally quieted down, of course, his eyes opened back up to stare in front.

And quite contrary to the assumption that absolutely nothing could ruin his day, Changbin's smile dimmed and, he scoffed, shaking his head. "Are you serious?" He asked, sheer disappointment swinging in the base of his tone. "Are you- are you for real, Felix?"

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