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SSICK Pharmaceuticals

Deep, heavy breaths appeared to be the most effective coping mechanism for Felix in that moment, because sharing the somewhat expected yet nerve-racking information that Chan was really Kai's biological father had to be one of the most challenging situations in his life after the delivery of his baby.

And standing there in front of Chan's office with the document in hand, he wanted to just turn back and lock himself at home without having to face such a mountain again but, he couldn't. So inhaling deeply, Felix knocked against the wooden door of the accountant's office, breath hitching when a soft, "Come in," was heard barely seconds after.

Hesitantly, he pushed the door open, unable to keep back a bright smile from his face at the way that Chan's dull eyes instantly lit up at his presence. "Hey," he hummed, strolling closer to the male's desk and, blushing when two strong arms embraced him before he could even take a seat at the front. "Happy to see you too."

"I really am." Chan chuckled, pulling away to make his way back to his own seat. But then he looked at Felix's hand, and at the sight of an already opened envelope that he assumed to be the justification of the younger's visit, he himself couldn't help but become nervous in his seat. "I'm guessing..."

"Yeah, the results. I'd ask to meet up after work but, I have a late shift today. And you didn't come by so since you told me where you work, I thought why not." Felix sighed, looking down and nipping at his lower lip after speaking. Spreading a small smile of reassurance as he slid the open envelop across the table, he nodded slowly, observing the shakiness in Chan's movements as he picked it up.

"Can you- Can you tell me before I open? This is- I'm scared. I don't even know why but- I'm nervous." Chan pouted, blinking back a few tears with the folded paper in hand, and he was almost certain that his sweaty palm had already started to mark it.

"Just open it, Chan," Felix smiled, nodding. "Open it."

Sighing, Chan unfolded the ink-lined paper, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply before reading from top to bottom. And sitting there, gazing forward at the account with a more relaxed look than before resting on his face, Felix couldn't help but smile even larger at the way that Chan's entire demeanor lifted at the printed results. He giggled at the new width of the older's eyes and, he sighed contently when tears of joy started their way down Chan's cheeks.

"What now?" Felix asked, teasing the other on purpose. Chuckling at Chan's speechlessness, he stood up in an attempt to make the first move, waddling to the other side of the table for a warm, friendly and accomplished hug at the older's back. "You're happy, right?"

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