"Minho," he whined as the older scolded him, burying his face into his palm. "I just haven't had much appetite, okay? Dealing with everything plus having to take care of Kai alone isn't easy, especially as I don't have my own vehicle... B-Binnie hasn't been home in two whole days, Minho, and I still haven't gotten enough courage to tell Chan what really happened yet..."

"Felix," Minho sighed empathetically, pausing to think of the most plausible advice for such a situation. "Changbin needs space, and that's understandable... He's hurt, and no offense but... I know how he feels, okay? I know what it feels like to have someone you love, stop loving you... So his pain is understandable... He'll come back when he's ready, okay?"

Felix hummed, nodding guiltily and not even certain that he could swallow the chewed-up nuts in his mouth. So he brought his napkin forward to spit it out, wiping his lips soon after. "I get it," he mumbled, tears prickling his eyes though he was so reluctant to let them out. "I- I understand..."

"Y-yeah, and with Chan, I mean, you have nothing to lose... Yes, you obviously need time before trying anything out with him but, it's him that you fell for, right? So why push him away? You and Bin's breakup would just be for nothing then," Minho spread a pained, faint smile, running a hand through his hair. "Why don't you tell him this afternoon, hm? I could watch Kai so that you two could have more privacy, and you know, not worry him too much?"

"I guess so," Felix pursed his lips in thought, not able to come up with any form of excuse to oppose Minho's suggestion. "Thank you, Min."

"Of course."


Blueprint Apartments

"Where's Kai?" Was Chan's first question as soon as he walked into Felix's apartment, and the latter's reply that the toddler was with a friend was enough to raise his anxiety even more in that smaller space. Chan did not want to be alone with Felix, and rationality, he couldn't help but assume that the younger had only set up that meeting to discuss the near clashing of their lips.

And yeah, Chan did not want that. He wasn't ready for the reiteration of one of his favorite yet most hated moments, as it'd only urge the feeling that he was struggling to simmer down to start boiling and overflowing to all parts of his body again.

Yes, overflowing, because the feelings that he claimed to hold for Felix were nurtured in his heart and, when they became too fed up with that secluded space, they'd just topple over, swimming down and up; a perfect example being the very reason for his body's sudden willingness to kiss Felix that one time.

So Chan feared that, but with the obligation to be polite, he took the seat opposite to Felix's on the dining table, finding the layout of dishes on its surface to be quite comedic since it was more than clear that neither of them had, or would have appetite anytime soon.

"So what- what exactly do you want to talk about?" He cleared his throat, spinning his fork idly in the plate of warm pasta before him. "Seeing that Kai isn't here... I think it's safe to assume that there's something you want to discuss?"

Slightly bothered by the man's formal jargon, Felix cleared his throat, sipping on his water to rid any dryness that'd cause a crack in his voice. "I- Changbin and I broke up," he spoke quickly, closing his eyes after the sounding of the last word but, questioning whether or not his speech was too fast for Chan to decipher since a rather awkward silence surfaced between them directly after.

But quite contrary to that thought, Chan had heard every syllable that Felix had let out. And the way that they were delivered to his heart was sort of bittersweet, but more on the bitter side.

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