But, again, he continued, voice a little lower that time, "But anyway... he went... but he promised to be home before dinner... because even though I couldn't take him out, I wanted to do something to make that day special... you know? He's an adult too, and of course, I respect that... But... Lix came back way after dinner time... I was so freaking happy while waiting... I dressed up... I cooked a lot of his favorite foods... and I just wanted to catch up with my boyfriend, you know?" He sniffled, the welling up of his eyes increasing too much to not let a teardrop escape.

"So, he had dinner with the man instead?" Seungmin pursed his lips sadly, feeling sorry for the stressed-out male before them. "That's- that's wrong... I'm sorry but... that is wrong..."

"Yes it fucking is, and you don't deserve that, Changbin," Hyunjin looked down, nipping at his lower lip in thought as he started to outline the speech that he planned on giving Chan sometime later in the day. "Have- have you two spoken about it already?"

"No... His birthday was on Sunday, and we both had work yesterday so we didn't talk in the morning... Everything was so tense. And, after work, I was so frustrated and tired of everything so I went to another one of my friend's houses... He calmed me down a lot, and then not long after, I went back home... But when I got there, neither Kai nor Felix was there. I saw a note saying that he went over to his best friend's, and that Kai's father would pick him up..." Changbin coughed, letting more tears slide down his cheeks and leaning forward with both elbows resting just before his knees.

"It just- I mean, I know it's his dad but... You know Lix is yet to put my name down in the daycare so I can pick up Kai on my own?" He looked up, sniffling, briefly locking eyes with both Seungmin and Hyunjin, respectively. "I can't pick Kai up unless they call Felix to double-check. And I guess it shouldn't bother me, but now...? I can't help but feel like... he trusts that man more than me...? I mean, I know I'm not Kai's biological father but, Lix and I have known each other for so long... Maybe I'm overreacting... It's his child... so I'm maybe overreacting."

"Bin," Hyunjin sighed, fiddling with the hem of his sweater and searching, mentally, for the right set of words to verbalize his thoughts, as he didn't think that making Changbin aware of the fact that he knew exactly who Kai's father was would be the wisest decision and, neither could he confront Felix right then and there as much as he wanted to, so Hyunjin felt really irritated, to say the least. "So, what do you want to do about it? He's clearly avoiding conversation... But you two need to talk..."

Letting out a tired chuckle, Chnagbin pointed in the couples' direction, "That's why I came to you two," he mirrored their small smiles, and he huffed a breath when they looked at each other kind of knowingly. "I don't know if you two have ever been in a similar situation, or if you know someone? I just need advice... please?"

"Well," Seungmin spoke up, anxiously playing with some strands of Hyunjin's hair and looking down. Sighing when his lover's reassuring touch met his instep, proving the assumption that the story that he was about to tell was most likely traumatic, or something along that line, Seungmin continued. "In my last relationship, my girlfriend was... Uhm... she was falling out of love for me? I think that's the best way to put it. She used to kind of... initiate quarrels and guilt-trip me... make me feel as if I was the cause? But in truth and in fact, she was just moving on and didn't know- was conflicted I guess," he pouted, a bit hurt at the recollection of how he was treated so poorly by someone that he loved.

But then, looking down at his fiancé, Seungmin smiled again, way more satisfied that time. "So yeah, she was not the one. I had to learn the hard way- Sometimes it's better to just let go. And what has to be will be, you know?" He blushed when Hyunjin pecked his exposed knee; but playfully cringed when Changbin audibly cooed in response. "Now, I'm not saying that Felix is like that but... As hard as it is to here... there is a possibility..."

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