The nauseating sensation that he had been successfully avoiding for the past few days made its way into the central part of his stomach so quickly and, he didn't exactly know what to say or do to rid it. "B-Bin, it's beautiful," he looked up, surprised to be greeted with Changbin's absence from their bedroom.

Sighing, he scurried out the door whilst ringing Changbin's name, but frowned at the sight of the older near cupboards, placing back a few dry dishes that Felix assumed he had used to prepare breakfast. And even though Changbin was so desperately trying to hide them, the few lines of tears that had traced down his cheeks were quite evident to the eyes of the blonde who was already strolling over to his side and, he dreaded the fact that his attempt to disregard Felix's pity by turning his head was put to shame when the latter held on to his chin.

And then Felix kissed him; soft and gentle and as if those lips were the only lovable pair in the world. Both their heads tilted when Changbin had stopped resisting and, the moist sounds that the meeting of their flesh would make was enough to pull them even deeper in, making them both giggle a bit before pulling away.

"I love it, Binnie," Felix blushed, handing Changbin the box as an indication that he should do the honors. "I love it, and I'm sorry for not paying attention to you... What you did means a lot, okay? And I promise I'll be home before dinner so that we can spend quality time together..."

"Are you going with Kai?" Changbin inquired with a tone drenched with hope, as Kai's participation in Felix's and Chan's outings always added a bit more spark to his trust for the younger, as well as soaked up the bit of jealousy that'd try to creep in now and then. But Felix's answer drew a frown down his face, and his eyes watered, again, when he glanced at an adorably distracted Kai over in the living room.


"Why does he want to go out with you alone?" He sighed, frustrated. "I mean, I know it's your birthday, but even Minho knows not to take you from me for the entire day... Plus, you don't even get that worked up over outfits on our dates, Lix..."

Slightly offended, Felix furrowed his brows, folding both arms against his chest whilst gazing forward at Changbin so intently and, with a bit of disbelief. "What are you trying to say?" He questioned, tone somewhat harsh but, he was too distracted by subtle arrogance to think about that. "What exactly are you trying to imply, Changbin?"

"Baby, it's just- I feel kind of scared, you know? And I'm human- I'm not overreacting. Anybody would feel bad if their lover was spending the day out with someone else on a birthday... Anybody would feel bad if their lover was dressing up more for another man than for their dates and stuff... So don't act like I'm doing something wrong." Changbin looked to the side, his heavy breaths coming out like pants through his nostrils. "My feelings are important too, Lix..."

Humble, Lee. Fucking humble, Felix sang in his head, but the narrowness of his eyes as he gazed into Changbin's sad ones was enough to sell out just how rebellious he was to that instinct. "You're being ridiculous," he said instead, instantly regretting yet not stopping. "Were you going to take me out? I don't think so? You want to have dinner with me, and I want that too. Plus, why should I stress over our dates? It's a time where I get a chance to just relax with my boyfriend, not impress you. There are times for that-"

"Impress...? You want to... impress him?" Changbin let another tear drop, and despite the fact that he more than needed Felix's loving touch, he held the boy's arm in place before it could reach its destination at his cheek. He couldn't really handle it, at that moment. As much as he wanted it, he couldn't take it until at least an apology was made for how his feelings were so invalidated. "Why do you want to impress him?"

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