Gulping thickly, Jisung flew up and off of the bed, almost falling down onto the carpet if it weren't for his hand's instinct to lean against the edge of the nightstand. But in order to miss that fall entirely, that same hand had to let go of his cellphone and, Jisung groaned when the device landed face-first onto the floor. "I hope that didn't scare Binnie," he mumbled, picking it up, "Binnie? Sorry, I- I rolled a little too far and fell off of my bed," Jisung lied, still blushing. "Of course you can come over! I'd even make breakfast if you want- You want breakfast?"

"I'd love that, Hannie," Changbin giggled, thanking the higher powers for blessing him with such a generous best friend, even though they didn't always communicate regularly. "I'll go get ready now, hm? And Felix has some leftover brownies in the fridge, so I'll bring some too- I'm sure he wouldn't mind."

"Alright... Haenguni will be happy to see you." Jisung grinned as he strolled into his bathroom, the redness of his puffed cheeks increasing out of embarrassment as soon as he viewed their state in the mirror. What a sucker he was for his taken best friend, one would notice just by his mannerisms; growing so flustered over a mere phone call.

Get it together, Han! Get it together, he thought before speaking again, chuckling when his cat stopped to stretch on its way into the white, bright space. "See, he even came over as soon as he heard his name... We're gonna have a great day today, Binnie..."

"Kiss Haenguni for me please," Changbin pouted playfully, hoping that the new position of his lips would bring more definition to his whiny tone. Standing, he headed for his wardrobe to pick out an outfit; black yet vibrant, before heading for his own bathroom. "So yes, Sungie, I'll see you soon, yeah?"

"Y-yeah... love you..." Jisung had to mute his speaker to be able to react effectively after that line. He squealed so loud that strands of fur on the grey and white kitty straightened upwards before his short legs glided him out of that space. And Han felt like passing out, even more, when Changbin responded just how he wanted, even though it meant something totally different...

"Love you too, Ji."


Sunshine Apartments

"Jisungie," Changbin whined, resting his face against the front door in an attempt to echo his voice far inside the smaller, more secluded space. Knocking with one hand, whilst the other held on to a plastic container filled with a few of Felix's brownies, he spoke up again. "Han!"

"Morning, Binnie," Jisung opened up with the widest smile squinting his eyes, and the way that his arms were so eager to find Changbin's torso was enough to let out a soft coo from the older man. Pulling away with an even deeper blush coating his cheeks and ears, he spoke again, "Come inside, Binnie. Make yourself comfortable... Breakfast is almost ready..."

"Thank you, Hannie," Changbin chuckled as he walked in, sliding the bowl of brownies across the kitchen counter before opening his arms wide and taking out his jacket, letting out a loud and tired groan with the stretch. "Damn, feels more like home than home," he joked, plopping down on the couch freely. "Where's baby Haenguni?"

"Probably on my bed," Jisung giggled, finishing up a few pieces of bacon to plate near the eggs and pancakes. "You can go get him if you want..."

Not waiting for another word of approval from Jisung, Changbin flew up from the couch to head for the younger's bedroom, inhaling deeply to soak in the sweet, vanilla scent as soon as he got there. And he smiled at the way his Sungie had everything so organized, and how the latter's lavender walls complemented not only the lilac bedsheets, but his personality as a whole; soft, sweet, caring, and beautiful.

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