↠ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱

Start from the beginning

"Hell, Peter, what're ye doin'?" George asked. He looked anything and everything but presentable at the moment. Plus, he hadn't even had time to finish airing out his bedroom after chain-smoking all night long just the previous night! Peter noticed this immediately, pausing in the doorway and sniffing the air around him. George stared at him in terror. Peter was such a bloody tattletale. If he realized what had happened up here, George did not doubt that his mother would find out...and Lord, how awful that would be.

"You've been smoking in here, have you?" Peter asked with a sly grin. "Do you think that you're being discrete? If Mum came in here, she'd smell this immediately. Promptly, Peter closed the bedroom door behind him and went over to George's desk, wrenching the window open. "So, it would be in your best interest to air this place out a little bit."

George cocked an eyebrow. "You're not going to tell her?" He asked. "Isn't that all you know how to bloody do?"

"Figured I'd show you some slack, but don't expect any actual gifts from me." Peter winked.

"Always have been the most charming of us, huh?" George grumbled sarcastically.

"Use all the sarcasm you want," Peter said. "Your statement might actually have more truth in it than you think. Although, Mum tells me that you've had yourself a little girlfriend since I've left." Peter smirked.

Peter had moved to London just last summer after receiving a spot in one of the universities that he had wished to get into the most, and George had been happy to see him go. Of all of his siblings, Peter had always been the most irritating towards George, probably because George was Peter's only younger sibling. He was the only one that he got to boss around.

"Yeah, well, she cheated on me, so maybe we should stay away from that subject." George rolled his eyes.

"What about Alexandria?" Peter asked. "Haven't you considered her? She seems like she'd be easy for you to win over. You've practically been seducing her since you were five."

George's eyes went wide. "No, I haven't," he snapped. "Besides, she's going out with Paul now."

"Paul?" Peter asked, cocking an eyebrow.

George nodded, crisscrossing his legs and peering down at his hands as he began to pick at his fingernails. "Think it was partially my fault. I ditched them both for Guin and they ended up...really getting along, I guess."

Peter shook his head, clicking his tongue against the top of his mouth. "That one's on you."

George nodded yet again. "Believe that's what I just said, Peter," George mumbled. "Thanks." There was a long silence, and George contemplated his next words. Something was telling him to keep his mouth shut, but a separate part of him wanted to get a huge secret off of his chest. He needed to tell someone about his raging jealousy towards Paul and Alexandria, and he needed to tell someone about the fluttering in his heart every time he was around her now. he felt lonely being the only one in the know.

But was Peter the best person to tell?

Absolutely not.

"But, I think I like her now," George said, ignoring common sense entirely. Typical. "And, I can't even do anything about it because she's with Paul."

Peter's eyebrows rose into the air. He hadn't been expecting that. All these years of George and Alexandria being friends, and George had never admitted anything such as this. Of course, everyone had always teased him about liking Alexandria, but he had always denied the accusations, and he never showed any tendency to speak the truth if he ever were to catch any sort of feelings for her. He hated to be proven wrong, and finding out that he liked Alexandria would have been the biggest "I told you so" coming from everyone who knew them. He would never let that happen...or so Peter thought.

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