A week later, when you sat down in the trailer for the first time in several hours after running around on set helping Derek with some tasks, you got the news you'd been dreading.

"I think we'll be able to wrap Mr. Min from the set by the end of the week, (Y/N)," said Jason Avercedes and even though you knew it was coming, you still felt the news hit you like a physical blow.

You nodded and checked the last call sheet the PA had been able to feed you.

"Looks like they're hoping to wrap him by noon on Thursday, does that still sound right," you questioned, and Jason nodded.

"Yea that's where I think we are as well (Y/N), it's been a messy few months, but I think the work we've done will show up on the screen," he said and you agreed. The pieces of the film that you'd seen so far, even in the rough cuts, looked like it'd be an interesting movie. One where, even if someone else was playing Yoongi's character, you probably would have gone to see it. Speaking of which...

"Hey Jason, who do I contact or convince to contact me when this moves from production into finalization? I'll need to coordinate with HYBE and the BTS world tour to be able to make time, but I'm assuming someone will be asking Yoongi for some press bumps and what not to help out the movie?"

You weren't sure about this part, but you'd been studying up and realized earlier that you had an untapped source in Taehyung who had been through this with his own series multiple times now.

You'd quizzed him on all sorts of stuff, and he answered everything he could before dragging Jimin into a video call. While Tae had been the one who had been doing all the shoots and the press, Jimin had been the one tracking where he was and who he was talking to so his memory for that was stronger.

Jason gave you a few names and then smacked his forehead.

"(Y/N), you know who's going to know all this stuff," he asked, and you shook your head no.

"The PA. The one who knows everything? He's the director's assistant, and one of his jobs is to shepherd the film through editing," said Jason and you nodded. You could definitely get the information out of the PA without an issue. Yoongi wasn't nearly as amused as you were by the crush the PA seemed to have on you, but he was a nice kid.

Yoongi's last day on the set, Thursday was bittersweet, and you sniffled a bit as you packed up the last few things from the trailer that had been your second home for the last five and a half months. Yoongi walked into the bedroom as you were folding the last of your blankets to take back home and you threw the blanket on the bed and burrowed into his arms.

He held you tight and stroked your hair before drawing you back a little.

Smiling he tucked your hair behind your ears. He just stared at you for a few seconds before he drew you back in for a huge hug. You understood the sentiment because you didn't have the words either.

You glanced up, nearly expecting to see a countdown clock over your head, and Yoongi leaned down and pressed a kiss against your hair. Then a second one when you sighed and hugged him tighter.

"C'mon Babygirl, lets go home," said Yoongi drawing back and keeping your hand in his.

You grabbed the blanket off the bed and then you and Yoongi did one last walk through to check that you had all your cables and plugs that you'd brought over the last few months.

You stepped out of the trailer and watched Yoongi lock the door one last time. He reached out his hand for yours and you walked through the lot to the security office and dropped off the keys with Kyle.

"A pleasure working with you Mr. Min. (Y/N), we'll see you on our next production," said Kyle and you smiled.

"Thanks Kyle," you said.

When you and Yoongi got on the highway, his phone dinged once. He pulled his phone from his pocket and nearly dropped it in his lap when it started vibrating non-stop in his hand.

"What's wrong?" You were concerned but Yoongi just looked annoyed.

"It's the group chat blowing up, Jiminssi must be pregnant again," he said and you paused to process that for a moment.

"Wha..." you started but he laughed and leaned over and pressed a kiss against your cheek.

"It's what we say when Jimin and Tae get too excited about something. Mostly to get them to stop being so excited about whatever it is," he said frowning. His phone was still going so he thumbed the screen on and started reading.

When his hand slipped off the phone and reached for yours you expected bad news.

"Yoongi what's wrong?" you were concerned when he didn't respond, but as you pulled off the highway to the stoplight, he handed you his phone.

You parsed through the chaotic group chat and realized what had shocked everyone.

JK was coming home early.

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