Part 49

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After the 9th, things nearly calmed down for a bit.

The film production seemed to be heading smoothly towards it's conclusion and in discussions with the PA and with Jason Avercedes, it didn't look like they'd go over their current schedule. Which was its own concern because of how tightly it needed to overlap Yoongi heading back to Korea to start all of the comeback activities.

Derek didn't know when you'd be called on to give your two lines and at this point you were starting to hope it was going to end up on the cutting room floor.

Jimin and Tae continued their tour of the city and all of its shopping amenities. Tae dragged Jimin through every store he could find and begged you to take them out to the suburbs for more shopping, but you had to keep delaying them because of your own work.

Your actual job had resolved its supply chain issues and you were working towards completing the first phase of development for your product. More and more meetings piled onto your calendar, a sad aspect of being part of a global economy is that no one is in the same time zone and meetings could happen 20/24 hours a day. Your team was pretty good about not scheduling anything to early or too late, but there had been a few times when you'd gone to bed at 11 or 12 after staying up talking to Jimin and Tae and had had to get up to attend a 3am meeting with India and Italy.

Yoongi didn't like what your schedule looked like at all and had no qualms about letting you know. You tried to reassure him that you always went through this kind of nonsense at this point in a project and that somehow made it worse.

He walked into your office a few mornings later and found you with your head on your desk. He reached out a hand and patted your back and you shot up straight in your chair at the sudden touch.

You looked over at him and saw him making that face that told you he didn't like what he saw.

Yoongi grabbed your mouse and found your calendar and double checked the clock on the wall.

"Babygirl, have you really been in meetings since 5:45 this morning? And you were up with us until 11 last night and we'll be on set until 7 again tonight. This isn't good for you," Yoongi was ready to keep going but you reached over and covered his lips with your fingers.

"It's my job Yoongi. It's what pays the bills," you explained.

Yoongi frowned under your fingers and opened his mouth to say something else, but your phone rang. It was time for your daily check in with Sung-Jin.

Yoongi moved over to the couch while you caught up with Sung-Jin, asking how things were going, how KAPPA was working and if he'd heard anything else from HYBE Seoul on Eun-Jin. Apparently, she'd never showed up to her second interview with the Seoul office and both Miso and Sung-Jin were fascinated by what that meant.

Today you ran through your information quickly and confirmed neither of you had any new changes to the calendar before disconnecting.

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