Part 40

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The next day your phone went off around 8am with a LINE message from an account you didn't know but assumed was either Jimin or Taehyung.

Hi (Y/N), this is hyung's namdongsaeng texting about getting a tour of your new place," read the message. You thought you got the subtext that the boys wanted to make sure they had the right ID before continuing, so you sent back a message right away.

Good evening to you! Your Hyung is very excited with the idea that you want to join us here for a bit. You have my phone number from the other night? The video call will go smoother through that app than this one I should think, you sent back. And then you immediately blocked out two hours of personal time on your calendar when your phone rang.

You answered and Jimin's sunny face filled your camera. Your internal fangirl alarm went off and the thoughts of Jimin is ON MY PHONE competed with the constant roar of OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG inside your head was deafening and it took you a second to reply when he greeted you.

"Hi (Y/N), I was hoping now works for you," asked Jimin and you simply nodded. Then the rest of your brain kicked in, overpowered your inner fangirl, and tied her up in a corner so you could resume functioning as a normal human again and you smiled.

"Hey Jimin, I'll swing the camera around and just walk you through the penthouse if that's ok with you?"

Jimin agreed and then said, "Tae is here too," which you expected before continuing, "And Jin-Hyung as well if that's ok?"

You paused and turned the camera back around to wave to the boys. You were more comfortable speaking with Tae and Jimin but Jin had always been very polite and kind, so you took a deep breath and nodded your ok. Jimin smiled and you heard Tae's voice come through the speaker, "Man I hope we don't see anything embarrassing today."

Well, you couldn't let that one go by.

"Tae if you're worried I can go get Yoongi and kick him out now, unless you were looking forward to that kind of show," you teased and you heard Jin's laugh and Jimin's giggle.

"Sorry (Y/N)," said Tae and you decided to get on with it before he said anything else.

You picked up your phone and turned the camera around again, showing off your office.

"I'll start in here because this is where I am now, this is my office," you said as you panned the camera around a bit. "This is the smallest room in the apartment other than the dining room or the central bathroom off the kitchen."

Tae whistled as you panned past your bookcases, and then the other book cases.

"I take it you like to read (Y/N)," said Jin.

You replied as you stood up to go out into the little hallway.

"Yea I do, most of these are my books from my place, Yoongi has a small shelf but it's just what he's acquired since he's been here," you say and Jin agreed it was hard to travel with books.

You decided to save the guest room for last, and turned down the hallway into the living room.

"This and some of the kitchen you've already seen," you said panning around and Jimin and Tae made approving noises. Jin however was enthralled with the kitchen, and you spent a few minutes showing off the Wolf range and the massive fridge/freezer combo.

Jimin saw your rice cooker and asked who was doing the cooking, and was amused that Yoongi let you cook for him every once in a while.

"He knows what he likes and he wants to make it. But sometimes it's just easier to order pizza or just make Bibimbap," you said. You and Jin had a brief discussion of food while you showed off the tiny powder room off the kitchen and the mostly unused dining room.

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