Chapter 140: Extra two

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When Xue Li started her fur business, Qi Yan received news about Lance.

"What did you say? Lance is dead?" Shu Zimu's eyes widened in surprise at Qi Yan's quotation.

"Well, it was said that he was shot during the crossfire and failed to catch it alive." Qi Yan said.

Shu Zimu asked: "How to make sure that he is the one who died?"

"The current news is this, and the characteristics are basically consistent. But it may not be necessarily. After all, fingerprints and DNA identification lack data. If you only look at the appearance, the uncertainties are still relatively large." Qi Yan explained the situation in detail.

After receiving the information reminded by Qi Yan, the anti-narcotics department of China, after verification, chose to work with the government of country Y to prepare to focus on combating these overseas drug | drug smuggling gangs and made many arrangements to try to put as many related crimes as possible. The molecules ran out. However, someone from country Y leaked the news out, in order to prevent the targets from getting ready to escape, and to catch up later, the drug enforcement department can only decide to urgently change the plan, implement it in advance, and catch the other party by surprise.

Because the preparation was not enough, although the police had good luck and happened to block the high-level of the gang in the drug-making village hidden in the mountain forest, they failed to catch people immediately and let a group of people escape to the border between State Y and China. Deep in the mountains. The police pursued along the way, but it was not easy to find more than a dozen people scattered in the dense jungle, so the police could only contact the border guards to cooperate with the search and arrest. In the end, it was good luck, everyone who ran caught or was killed.

Drug traffickers have heavy sentences, and they are basically stubborn when they are pursued. Therefore, the crossfire during the arrest is very fierce, and casualties are also commonplace. Although Lance's death was somewhat surprising, it was also an expected result for those who embarked on a road to drug trafficking.

This transnational operation was very successful, but in addition to drug dealers, deaths and injuries were inevitable among military and police personnel. Compared to being surprised when I heard the news of Lance's death, knowing this news made Shu Zimu feel a lot heavier. Thinking of his lucky return, Shu Zimu hopes that the martyrs will have a happy and happy life in their next life. In addition to this, I can only express my respect.

This operation is currently being finalized and has not yet been announced. It is estimated that it will take at least ten days and a half months. Many details of the operation could not be disclosed, and in the external report, there must be no handle and no omission. In order to protect them from retaliation by drug dealers, such as "informants" who provide important information, such as Jonathan and Qi Yan, all relevant matters must be concealed. Therefore, the general public does not know that well-known entrepreneurs are actually the heroes of anti-drug operations.

However, although they cannot publicly advertise or commend publicly, the state will still give them a credit and give them some material rewards without any trace, and they will naturally leave a good impression at the senior level of the relevant departments.

This is more valuable than any reward, even for Qi Yan, who does not lack financial potential, is also very useful. With this relationship, Shu Zimu's film will definitely be easier to pass the trial, Qi Yan's various industries will also be more officially recognized, and the future prospects are obviously better. If Jonathan wants to enter the Chinese market, it will definitely open the door to relevant policies and procedures.

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