Chapter 115: Dress up game

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Because of the "Super Energy Office", Shu Zimu had been quite busy this year, but at the same time, he was also very satisfied. Although he has always been confident, Shu Zimu still feels completely relieved when he sees with his own eyes a work that has cost a lot of effort to prove his worth. From the preparation to the start of the film to the killing of the film, and the subsequent publicity release, although Shu Zimu cannot be said to be very involved, he actually put a lot of energy into it, mainly reflected in the loss of brain cells.

However, it turns out that the previous efforts were worthwhile. People who met during the New Year would praise the good results of the "Super Energy Firm", and some of them didn't think of Shu Zimu's rich middleman before. A few points. It's not that the 2.1 billion box office scared them. It's just that in terms of return on investment, the profitability of Superpower is quite high, and it takes half a year from filming to screening. For some families based on business, the purpose of the marriage of their children is to cooperate and expand the interests of the alliance. Although Shu Zimu has no available background, he can create his own benefits. A movie is a profit of hundreds of millions, and even if it is a wealth of money like them, it cannot be indifferent.

So this time when Shu Zimu followed Qi Yan out for the New Year, he won a lot of praise. However, there are also some self-confident people who always feel that Shu Zimu's background cannot be taken. But worrying about the Qi family's face, they generally do not show it blatantly. Shu Zimu is too lazy to mind.

During the New Year, he and Qi Yan naturally lived on the main house of the Qi family. The happiest was Yan Yun, Qi Yun, who often accompanied Shu Zimu to play with her. This day Qi Jun held the tablet again to find Shu Zimu and asked Shu Zimu to play games with her.

Shu Zimu happened to be idle, and naturally did not refuse. As a result, when I looked at the screen, it turned out to be a female dressup game.

"..." Shu Zimu is not a straight man, after all, he is bent, but it is also easy to have a headache for how to match a variety of clothes. Qi Yan's wardrobe is basically a variety of dark suits, Shu Zimu is stronger than him, but that is more T-shirt jeans, sweater jackets and the like, the style and color are not particularly exaggerated. They are all simple and casual styles. He generally chooses two pieces to wear casually, and it will not be too ugly. For more formal occasions, it is directly worn by the stylist.

However, women's clothing styles and color patterns are much more than men's, and their hairstyles are also extremely varied. Of course, some exaggerated colors may not look good in reality, but they are placed on a two-dimensional standard big-eyed beautiful girl, how to match Not out of the ordinary. So after Shu Zimu looked at it, she had no doubt about the choice disorder. Every time Qi Jun asked him which of the two choices was beautiful, Shu Zimu always could only answer after she was silent.

After asking a few times, Shu Zimu's answer was useless. Qi Yun pouted and asked Shu Zimu to help her play, "Uncle Zi Mu, then you can help me pass it. You can match it as required."

Shu Zimu wanted to refuse, but Qi Yun, who was smarter than him, would not give him this opportunity. Shu Zimu could only accept this task with some entanglement and struggled to match out a suit. This process took him nearly ten minutes, because he didn't want Qi Yun to feel that he was perfunctory, and Shu Zimu compared for a long time before choosing the final match. The result was finally scored, but barely passed, with a rating of only b.

In fact, looking at Shu Zimu's matching results is pretty good. It should be said that as long as it is not particularly unappreciated, a second-generation beautiful girl painted with exquisite clothes painted will not be very ugly. As for the not-so-good-looking scores, it is because Shu Zimu does not know what the scoring mechanism of this game is.

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