Chapter 20: Shu Zimu

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"I didn't know until I came." Xue Zimu explained to Qi Yan, and smiled ridiculously. "My mother never told Xue Li's bad things to me. She only said they had divorced. She didn't want me to let me I have always been holding hatred towards someone, so I just treat me harder, and even decorate Xue Liqian's disgusting things. I always thought that they were divorced before I was born, Xue Li never knew me Has never seen me before."

"Xue Liting understands my mother's personality, and he used this utterance when he picked me up. He said that he went back to his home a few days ago to find out that my mother had brought a child to W City alone, and found me to be a parent-child. Appraisal confirmed that I was his son and wanted to take me back to take care of it."

"I didn't know the truth until then," Xue Zimu held the corner of his mouth ironically. "Xue Lin complained to Yao Yue why she had to take my wild seed home. Yao Yue complained to Xue Li who was trying to hide it. I laughed at my mother. I just heard it."

In fact, Xue Zimu didn't just hear it in this life, but was directly informed by Yao Yueyao and Wu Yaowei in the previous life. At that time, he was arrested by Yao Yue and forced to commit crimes for Xue Yuding. When he heard that Yao Yue had found someone threatening to threaten Shu Qing, he suddenly broke free and crushed the person who pressed himself to give Yao Yue a few punches with a mean face. , Almost bite a piece of meat on the other side. Later he was beaten more severely for this, but he didn't regret it at all.

Qi Yan didn't know about Xue Zimu's previous life, but he could see that he had become somewhat dark and fierce.

Qi Yan didn't dislike him like this, because Xue Zimu's appearance was biased towards the gorgeous style of thick ink, and when it was ruthless on his face, he played it to the extreme. Qi Yan, as a face control, should be happy with this.

However, Qi Yan still frowned, even though Xue Zimu might look better like this, he felt that he still liked Xue Zimu's appearance when he smiled and even expressionless. At least that way, there won't be the strange feeling of the slight pantothenic acid in his heart now.

Qi Yan wanted to reach out and touch Xue Zimu's head, but on the one hand he felt a little awkward, and on the other hand he was driving. After thinking about it, he could only provoke another topic: "In this case, do you want to change your surname?"

"Change the surname?" Xue Zimu froze for a moment. He didn't feel much about the name. Although he hated Xue Li, he didn't have a joint surname with Xue, so he never thought about changing his surname in his whole life. However, Qi Yanyi reminded that Xue Zimu immediately felt better. Although it took time to get used to it at the beginning, it was also convenient for him to draw a clearer line with the Xue family.

Thinking of this, Xue Zimu said: "You didn't say that I didn't expect it. It's a good change." If you want to change it, it must be changed to Shu Qing's surname. Xue Zimu said a bit and said, "Shu Zimu... okay, no Not awkward."

So the name change was settled, Qi Yan saw that the other party's mood was obviously restored, and he was slightly relieved. Originally, he wanted to ask why he was willing to marry himself. : "It's better to hide Xue Li's name first, and wait until he takes that resort project away. I will talk to my family and I will call you Shu Zimu in the future."

Shu Zimu nodded, lifting Xuexue's hair and showing a smile to Qi Yan, "Well, thank you."

This smile suddenly made Qi Yan's slightly disappointed mood because he had no questions asked, "It's fine."

Although his tone remained stable, he didn't notice that his eyes were particularly gentle.

When he arrived at the hospital, Shu Zimu held Xuexue and went back to check. Because he and Qi Yan were very good-looking, they were looked at from time to time by other people in the hospital, especially Shu Zimu, who was relatively handsome, and lacked Qi Yan's scary air, so his eyes lingered on his face. . Qi Yan, who saw these things in his eyes, couldn't help getting darker and darker. He quickly walked out of the hospital with one person and one cat after review.

Shu Zimu only thought that he didn't like the hospital environment, so he handed Xue Xue to him and asked him to adjust his mood.

This action really pleased Qi Yan. After a few brushes, he looked much better. After looking at the time, he said to Shu Zi, "Find a place to eat?"

Shu Zimu gave it a little thought and agreed. Although the matter is now over, he and Qi Yan do not need to stay together, but on the one hand, they haven't seen the kitten for a week, and for a long time Shu Zimu feels that he hasn't had enough; on the other hand, he stayed with Qi Yan It is much more comfortable than going back to face the Xue family. Anyway, Xue Li is definitely happy with him and Qi Yan. He behaves very well with Qi Yan, and it can be regarded as a contribution to the "big gift" to be sent later.

Qi Yan decided the location of the lunch, because many restaurants do not allow pets, he took Shu Zimu to a private restaurant that he frequented.

The guests here are either rich or expensive, so they often meet acquaintances when they come, and Qi Yan and Shu Zimu inevitably meet. Both sides were a little surprised, but the other was very enthusiastic, and Qi Yan was not very happy.

"Kevin! I didn't expect to meet you here!" one of them shouted to Qi Yan.

They met Xu Chi, who had met Shu Zimu once, and a blonde foreign friend. This foreign friend looks good, and speaks Chinese very well, but his character is obviously quite the same as Qi Yan, and he greets Qi Yan when he comes up, even if he only exchanges Qi Yan's dull expression, "the coincidence" is still Seemed very excited. And after seeing Shu Zimu next to Qi Yan, he wowed unabashedly, his eyes bright.

"Whatabeauty!" blond said with awe, and attentively reached out to Shu Zimu, "Hello, I'm Jonathan Scarlett, it's an honor to see you."

Shu Zimu was a little uncomfortable with the other's rather frivolous manners, but after seeing Xu Chi with the other party, he guessed that the other party and Qi Yan should have some positive intersections, so they shook hands with him and smiled and said, "Hello, I am Shu Zimu."

"Shu Zimu? A great name!" Jonathan looked at Shu Zimu for a while, and the more I looked at it, the more I admired it. I couldn't help looking at Qi Yan and couldn't help saying: "No wonder yesterday, Kevin, you said that you don't have time today. If I meet this, The beauty will surely quit all work and spend time with him." He also squeezed his eyes towards Qi Yan.

Qi Yan's face was already ugly, and Shu Zimu was a little embarrassed, but Jonathan didn't even realize it. Seeing this, Xu Chi quickly wanted to say something to make a round, but heard Qi Yan's cool voice ringing:

"Shu Zimu is my fiance and will be married next month. Based on our business partner relationship, Jonathan, it would be more appropriate for you to call him Mrs. Qi."

The other three were stunned by Qi Yan's words. Xu Chi broke the awkward and silent atmosphere a moment later.

He looked at Shu Zimu and hesitantly said: "Sister...son?"

Shu Zimu: "..."

Whether it is Mrs. Qi or sister-in-law, he feels a little square...

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