Chapter 106: Kill

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Qi Yan didn't intend to intervene in the Xue family's affairs. As a result, Yao Yue asked Shu Zimu to be troubled uncomfortably. Qi Yan pushed a hand in the Xue family's affairs and did nothing else. The review and punishment are stricter and faster, but the overall is still in accordance with legal standards, which means that the process and determination of doing so are not problematic.

Therefore, Xue Li's trial and sentencing were much faster. The final verdict was: Although Xue Li was subjectively unaware of the smuggling of cultural relics, in the operation and finance of that international trading company, he bribed government officials and evaded taxes. Tax evasion and other acts indirectly provide conditions and cover for smuggling activities. Although the smugglings that were successful in the past were not as serious as the smuggling of cultural relics, the amount involved was not small. In the end, Xue Li was not sentenced to too high a penalty, but only sentenced to five years in prison, but the fine was large.

Xue Li was involved in the case, Xue's capital was not in debt, Yao Yue and other minority shareholders were unable to return to nature, so they could only go into bankruptcy proceedings. It takes a certain amount of time to liquidate, but the approximate results estimate that the Xue family can only leave a few properties and a few cars. These people would have sold a few people and live a good life, but Xue Li's After the fine was lowered, the Xue family had to drink the northwest wind.

Of course, planning well, Xue Lin and Xue Yu's medical expenses and living expenses at the basic well-off level can still be saved. Therefore, after knowing the situation, Shu Zimu had no plans to help the Xue family. In the future, it should be completely irrelevant, and there is no chance to meet again.

Shu Zimu did not feel as much emotion as when he heard the news of the Xue family before, because he had so many homework that he had no intention to express his life philosophy.

Guo Lao said that there was so much homework, so much. I don't say the types of homework that will be arranged in the school classes after watching movies and writing scenes and practicing scene clips. Guo Lao also asked Shu Zimu to see a lot of things that can't be beaten with professionalism, such as various classical Chinese and some messy science books. , And even some technical books and manual work records of agriculture, forestry, fishery and animal husbandry. In short, astronomy, geography, and human relations, everything is messy, and the key points cannot be found. Shu Zimu reads hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of words every day, and then writes a post-reading impression, and also writes a story outline based on the inspiration from it.

In addition, Guo Lao also asked Shu Zimu to write more than three different pieces of sketches each time according to the set scene. In the same scene, events and conflicts must be significantly different. Shu Zimu must rack his brain every time and write The second, the third, the fourth, I felt that my scalp had to be taken off.

There are also some homework such as writing character biographies, reading professional books, writing film reviews, etc. Shu Zimu will also do it in school, but Guo Lao's task and qualification requirements are too high, and you need enough time to do well. And energy.

In addition, Guo Lao asked Shu Zimu to practice writing.

Shu Zimu has been accustomed to typing on digital products for so many years. He doesn't say anything in the handwritten words, but the words really don't look good. Of course, it's not too ugly, just the average level. However, for a person like Guo Lao who has a low cultural level and can be said to be a descendant of Shuxiangmen, as a disciple, Shu Zimu's first hand words are very difficult to come up with. Although Guo Tao doesn't look like it came from Shuxiangmendi, he has been much better than Shu Zimu since childhood.

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