Chapter 116: tourism

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Qi Yan and Shu Zimu didn't mind that they were with them. After all, there was Li Wensen, and it wasn't a destruction of the two worlds.

As the only single dog among the five, Li Wensen has mixed tastes for this publicly-funded itinerary. He originally had a complicated feeling about the job he was asked to sign the contract when he signed the contract. Later, he found that the boss had never asked him to perform his main tasks, and he thought that the other party was just talking and playing. Down.

It's really good to be able to travel at public expense. As a single dog, I have to shoot couples on Valentine's Day, but also beautifully, sweetly, and the boss's husband's outstanding style and deep feelings. I always feel the test of his psychological quality. a bit large.

Soon Li Wensen went through a bigger test again. The dog food he wanted to eat changed from one to two. The new one was still issued by another company boss and the company's Taizhu. Li Wensen accepted the request of secrecy indifferently, and at the same time accepted the fact that his efficiency from the value of the face to the net worth to the efficiency of taking off the order was very slow. But originally he was the only bright light bulb. Now it has become one of the three light bulbs for one of them. Li Wensen feels a lot more natural, at least he no longer shines so conspicuously.

So after comforting himself a few words, Li Wensen successfully adjusted his mentality, and instead began to work with the boss's deliberate assignment.

Their destination this time is H, the northernmost city of China, where it is much colder than Beijing. During the winter, the snow is deep and the river is frozen. Although it is cold, but the snowy scenery is also very beautiful, and there are very high-quality natural ski resorts, and a variety of ice sculptures? . In addition, there are many special foods here, which can fully meet the requirements of tourists to eat and have fun. It is a very good tourist attraction.

Although it is Valentine's Day, it is not a holiday after all, not many people will travel far away, but some local people will come here for Valentine's Day, so there are not many tourists in these two days, not crowded, but there are A bit hilarious.

They were flying in the afternoon, because it was a little late, and it was already night when it arrived. Several people thought about it and thought they would have enough time anyway, so take a break today and start playing tomorrow.

So they enjoyed a special meal of H city first, and after eating satisfactorily, they returned to the hotel to rest. One can imagine the "entertainment" that two couples in the five people can enjoy after returning to the hotel early. Not enough to think about going skiing tomorrow, they finally did not choose this kind of "entertainment" method, but formed a black team in the game.

These are actually not people who often play games. Among the five people, only the university student Li Wensen has more free time, but he spends a lot of time on photography and has to go to Xing Yue part-time, so the game is also played less. Not to mention Shu Zimu, they can only be busy.

However, because it is a game of its own investment, several people have spent time playing it, only Li Wensen has not been in contact. This game is the ancient holographic game that Qi Yan and Shu Zimu had experienced on their wedding anniversary. It has been successfully open beta at the end of the year, and the effect has been good after being put on the market.

The gaming helmet was specially designed to relieve boredom when they were bored at night or when the weather was bad, and Li Wensen also received a business travel bonus. He is not enthusiastic about the game, but he also knows that the game is hot and the gaming helmet is expensive. He is very flattered about the employee benefits and is determined to take the best picture for the boss in return.

It is said that the team is black, in fact, the game can directly communicate anytime, anywhere. In addition to the tacit understanding between acquaintances, there is no advantage in teaming up with people you know. Among the five of them, Shu Zimu, Qi Yan and Xu Chi have a tacit understanding. They have also played many games together before, but Yun Hao and Li Wensen are completely behind.

Needless to say, Li Wensen didn't get the game helmet for a long time, he was not familiar with the operation, and it was not enough to test the tacit understanding. In addition to playing too little and unfamiliar with this reason, Yun Hao is a real game chicken. Even when playing keyboard games, the hand speed is pitiful, even in holographic games, hand speed is no longer a limiting factor, and as an actor, he often shoots martial arts and has to deal with various unexpected problems and shots. Yun Hao's reaction speed does not say Very good but not bad, yet it reveals the truth of his game consciousness.

Yun Hao doesn't know how to calculate and match his skills at all. The skills are all indiscriminate, and he will not observe the status of other people. I don't know when to retreat and when to make up the knife. Even if there is a command prompt from the teammate, he still sends The main force of the head. Li Wensen wouldn't play and knew to hide behind, unlike Yun Hao who rushed up stupidly and didn't die much.

Yun Hao doesn't know what to do, but just feels like he's dragging his hind legs. He's embarrassed to say that he should leave the team or not. Xu Chi, who could let Yun Hao watch beside him, said that the two of them would do the task to see the scenery, instead of playing in the arena, and let the remaining three people play 3v3 instead.

Yun Hao took the initiative to leave the field, and Li Wensen dared to continue to lag behind. He immediately said that he would also do the task, so that Qi Yan and Shu Zimu were better at playing 2v2.

So the five-man black group completely fell apart after only a few games.

But in this way, it is much better than the previous arrangement. The image in the Yunhao game is much different from that of the real person, but it is possible to fall in love with Xu Chi sticky without fear; without the boss, Li Wensen put Have the courage to enjoy the holographic games that have not been experienced before; Qi Yan and Shu Zimu continue to fight in tacit agreement, and finally they are quite happy.

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