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I looked up when my cell door opened abruptly. I stayed put on the rock solid bed, not wanting to piss off any of the guards. I did that once a few months ago, and got tasered right on my collarbone. I was passed out for ten hours, and woke up with a killer pain on my chest. The scar was still there. It helped remind me to keep away from the guards at all costs.

A tall, muscular guard walked in with a box full of metal rings. He set them down on the keyboard I had in my room, an item I begged the Chancellor to let me have in the cell. It was my parents', and I wasn't going to let it rot in our station room. The guard took out one of the rings, and held his hand out.

"Prisoner 134, give me your arm," he said sternly. I looked at him one more time, and when I didn't stand up, a second guard whipped out his taser. "Give me your arm now," he spat again, reaching over and pulling me from my seating position. I let him drag me as he unclipped the ring, stuck four little prongs into the skin on my wrist, and clampped it shut. I winced as he did so.

"What is this for, I'm not eighteen for another year," I said, hoping this wasn't some ridiculous plan to get rid of all the teenage criminals for more oxygen. From the amount of rings still left in the box, I wasn't the only one getting a bracelet.

"Come with us," the second guard said, dragging me outside of my room. I felt the other guard grab my free arm, and I looked back as far as I could to take a look at my keyboard. Wherever I was going, I wanted it to come with me, too.

"I want my keyboard," I said, trying to struggle free. If I was being sent to die, I wanted to go down with a fight, despite what happened last time I messed around with the guards. I stepped on the one guard's foot, then the other guard's. My arms were free as they let go from the sudden pain. Just as I was running to my cell door, I felt a sharp sting in my neck. I put my hand to where the pain was, and came to find a small dart. My vision started to get blurry, and I fell to the ground with a thud.

"I'm sorry, mom and dad," I whispered as the keyboard in my sight started to vanish into black darkness. I felt my head hit the ground hard before my mind stopped working and I was uncounsious.

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