What life would be like?

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After Shirou won the holy grail war, he remembered the people he lost during the Grail war and he said.

Shirou: I would want all my friends to live again, Illya, and all other servants to stay and have a happy life and move forward to what they want, I want them to live in peace.

The Holy grail glowed and it granted its wish and Shirou is back in his room and later saw Saber and he immediately hugged her and cried his balls out and later he went outside and he saw Sakura and Rin and Illya to his surprise and he went to hug her and Illya knows what's going on and did the same.

Rin: Wow, I knew Emiya-kun had wished hard and brought everyone back...

Shirou went to the church and saw Kotomine Kirei and Kirei knew what happened as he felt some disturbance in the magic and time and reality.

Kirei: So you wished to bring back everyone you are acquainted with?

Shirou: I know their deaths are just... not right... I know I can't save everyone, but at least bring them back to let them live the life they want.

Kirei: Hmmm this is sure an interesting wish... 

Shirou: Yeah...

After some years Shirou and Artoria married and Artoria conceived a son and Shirou named him Megumi Emiya Pendragon... They decided to take Artoria's last name as she was king and Shirou agreed and they have a son who is just Artoria's boy version. the ones who are happy the most are, Rin Tohsaka, Sakura Matou, Luvia Edelfet, and surprisingly Rider Medusa.

Rin: I will pass down the Tohsaka's magic ways and such..

Luvia: what do you mean you? HOHOHOHOHO!!! I will make him the successor of the CLOCK TOWER TOHSAKA!!


Shirou saw the chaos and he enjoyed the chaos, Sakaki is determined to teach him his swordsmanship and Artoria is not having it and they became rivals on doing that.

Archer knew that he will have the same projection magic as him so he will teach him when he grows up.

Medea got the news along with her master.

Medea: So the boy has a son... Well, I will teach magic soon...

Medea's master: I will also teach him there at his school...

Timeskip: Ten years. 

Megumi is just being taught by Rin and Luvia in simple magecraft and was taught by Artoria with simple swordsmanship before going to Sakaki.


Megumi(10 yrs): YES MOTHER!!!

Megumi has been practicing with his family and being taught by Medea's master at home. Megumi is basically being homeschooled due to the fact he is born to a family with magic...He is also being taught by Kotomine about the bible and the word of God and he is practically a "priest in training" under Kotomine. he even taught him how to use weapons like his black keys. 

Kotomine: You don't have to worry about supplies for these weapons... you can use the young man or your father's magic to do so.

Megumi: I guess.... but Father Kirei... that spell you told me about... i want to learn that also...

Kotomine: You will be able to learn that when you mastered your magic and your faith is big... I will be only teaching you the words to say or, the special prayer for that.

Megumi: YES FATHER!!!

Later a fateful day came.

Megumi is walking around a forest and he heard a roar from a beast. Megumi ran to the area where he heard the Roar and he found multiple beasts and some "humans" trying to defend the poor girl; Megumi knew that the girl is not from anywhere here and she was being escorted and

TRACE ON!!!!!(Son of Shirou and Artoria x Highschool dxd)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon