|•Chapter 39:The Reunited Three•|

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Dazai's POV

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Dazai's POV

This was hell, she wouldn't even talk or look at
me while walking the old track that was supposed
to lead to where the guild had Q. She was
walking way ahead not being able to help watch
her hips and thigh moves as she walked up the
hill. If she wanted she could kill me right here.
I wouldn't blame her for after what I said
I was no different. Me or should I say as a
person have not changed much using a
"happy" facade to hide my nature.

We coming out to the clearing,sudden flashing appeared glaring my vision I used my right arm
to cover the light, realising we were surrounded.
"Good evening, our tactican is very good at
predicting the enemies moves."A blonde man
and a taller black haired man revealed
themselves. "So a trap, huh..."Murmuring to
myself not realising that she disappeared.
As she sent  a roundhouse kick to the blonde
man sending him tumbling way back.
While a boulder came down hitting the tall
black haired man in the face.

Various rounds of machine guns being fired
watching them getting stopped by a certain short
gravity manipulator. He stood so dramatically
on the boulder. "Let me get this clear, Dazai.
After I'm done taking out the trash your next."
Chuuya declared. "Ugh, it really came down
to this. Today's just nota good day for me,
it would perfect for me  to commit suicide."
Muttering as I watch the h/c grip the
blonde man's collar, too close.

"That's impossible, this ambush wasn't covered
in the strategic forecast..."She was definitely
driving this man in to panic, seeing the sweat
run off down his body. Chills were most likely
running through the veins and bones of his
body. Drawing her blade out as it's white
coloured shine beautiful in the moon light.
Seeing her porcelain face reflecting even I got
the chills. "Dazai-san, I'll leave him to you."
She finally spoke to me but addressed me way
too formally nodding. Noticing she walked
off to Chuuya to go talk to him, I was left here
to nullify this man's ability watching the
branches dispersed away. I really did hurt
her that much...

Second Person POV

"Dazai-san, I'll leave him to you."Walking off
seeing him meekly nodding in your peripheral
sight. Going off to talk to Chuuya, sheathing
you blade back into it's scabbard sitting at
you right hip. "Hey shortie, how are things
since we last talked." Giving him a smile and
a wave he knew something was up between you
and Dazai but he was being a good friend
and didn't want to take you focus
off the current mission.

"Hey n/n."Greeting you with that old nick name.
"Really that old nickname?"Chuckling slightly
"Yep, things are good and you?"He got down
from the boulder beginning to walk with you
over to Dazai, pondering if you should be
honest with him and tell him what happened.

Dazai's POV

They were laughing and conversing together
so easily, how was I able to do that watching
them hug quickly too friendly for my
own liking. But I couldn't control that, me and
her don't date even though we do stuff that a
couple does she probably doesn't even love
me that way. It only started back then in the
Mafia we were sixteen at the time the peek of us
being closer. Hanging out more without
Chuuya when we started to explore more in
depth of each other. After a mission taking down
a small enemy organisation. In spite and
jealousy of watching her flirt with all the men
going around. Deciding to kiss her when we
were alone together it wasn't like we hadn't
before but it went further than expected, that
memory was still engraved into my brain clearly.

"This stinks to high heaven."Chuuya complained.
"I'm also hating every second of this."Huffing out,
I was really here conversing with Chuuya and
with my- wait no her, she isn't mine well yet...
"This is the worst day I've had this year. Why must
I work with this guy."That bastard of a ginger
was muttering to himself as the three of us
trudging over to the door of the old run down
horror movie physique barn. Seeing Y/n retract
her hand away from the door realising
Chuuya and I both went to open it

"Don't walk next to me."He spat back sending a
glare. "Your the one sticking by my side?"
Retorting sighing distancing myself from him
and her as well. "Listen up if it weren't for
the mission you'd be blowned up already, if you
get it at least stay two meters away from me."
He declared. "Yeah, yeah I get it."Wavering
my hand to him as he opened the door letting
her go in first. What a gentlemen he is to her,
makes me want to fucking crush every bone in
his body if I could that is.

"Hey Dazai have you heard of 'Petrus', it's
an expensive wine brad that makes your eyes
pop out looking at the price of one bottle. The
night you disappeared I opened up 1889 to
celebrate, that's how much I hate you.Bastard."
Nice insult Chuuya but you'll like this one.
"Good for you and I remember blowing up your
car the same night as celebration."Huffing out
finally being able to enter the rustic building.
"Ugh, this is getting on my nerves. His face
attitude, clothes all getting on my nerves."
Chuuya complained not so quietly to himself.

"I hate everything about you too Chuuya, maybe
except your taste in shoes."Managing to haste
him on the spot quickly walking ahead.

"Oh really..?"Getting him contemplating as he
was staring down at his dull leather loafers.
"I was kidding of course you have shit taste in shoes."Ducking down while he sent a kick
to my head still hasn't learned yet has he.
"It's no use I know your moves, aim, attacks
and breathing pattern like the back of my hand."Chuckling seeing him gritting his teeth.
"You two stop arguing I already got Q."
Facing down to see her with the kid in one
arm and the doll in the other.

Walking past me, throwing the doll to me
"I can carry the kid."Chuuya offered for her,
of course. It was sickening that he had feelings
for her, yet he was a lot better than myself.
"You sure?"Handing Q over to him this was
going to be one painfully long mission,
focusing was impossible when she's here.

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