|•Chapter 12:Jealousy•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

As the four of you entered into the dark and
secluded hospital only hearing nothing but your
foot steps. Making you feel little uneasy though walking beside Dazai brought you some form
of comfort. You prayed he wouldn't notice
the change. "It's sure is creepy here."Atsushi
broke the silence. "It's kind of nice. It revs you up." Dazai stated which you silently agreed feeling a
bit more better. "You'd better not have eaten
another weird mushroom." Kunikida muttered as
he was walking behind the three of you.

"Oh,are you scared,Kunikida-kun? Maybe Y/n should create some light for you." The suicidal
man teased him yet you were a bit more focused
on what is up ahead rather than what they
were talking about.

"Then keep up Kunikida-kun. Oh and Y/n I know you feel a little uneasy don't be afraid to hold my hand." He whispered the last sentence in
your ear so that no one else could hear.
"I'll keep it in mind." You whispered back as he
gave you a calming soft smile. "Fool! In this sort
of movie, those who are careless and get ahead
of themselves are the first who die." Kunikida retorted stopping to be meet with a trail of
foot prints. "They're still fresh."Atsushi pointed
out. "Well then you three "men" go ahead.
I'm investigating myself." You stated beginning
to follow the footprints.

"But L/n-san it's too danger-" "Nope I'm highly independent and capable so shut up."You cut
him off not even bothering to look back.
"Come on Kunikida-kun we need to find more
clues while Y/n goes investigate she's the best
person to do some solos."


Walking down the stairs as the blue light got brighter and brighter as you headed down. Hearing
a distant scream of a young woman in the distant calling for help. You rushed down quickly met
with the woman with only her bra and under
on while the tank was almost completely filled.


Dazai on the other hand was probably almost
scared to death as he heard the young female
scream of help not even telling if it was you or someone else. All he needed to know was you
were fine and hopefully unharmed or not
seriously injured. Running down the stairs that
you went down with Atsushi and Kunikida
following right behind. "Wait Dazai-san!"
Atsushi cried worrying that the man could be
lead to some trap. As the man only ignored the
boy until they were meet with sound of
glass smashing meaning they were closer to
the end of the stairs.


"Y/n!" You heard Dazai called from behind
as he had that look of worry on his face.
He let out a sigh she seeing that you were fine
except for your leg that you used to kick the glass
of the water tank. Having the young woman rest beside you were the smashed glass hadn't land.

"L/n-san! Your leg?!"Atsushi pointed out as
you didn't realise how bad it got but the cuts
didn't appeared to be to bad. "I'm glad such a beautiful lady is in perfect condition." You
heard Dazai spoke from beside you though you
know that the compliment wasn't even aimed
at you it was her. Brows furrowing watching as
he draped his sand trench coat over her as
she let out a few coughs. "Thank you. You
saved me." She looked over at you giving you
an innocent smile.

"I'm Sasaki Nobuko. A lecturer at a university
in Tokyo." Sasaki introduced. "So you're victim number twelve?"Atsushi asked. "Did you see
who abducted you?"Dazai questioned as he
sounded more stern and serious.

"I'm sorry. I blacked out at a station. When I
had regained consciousness, I was drowning in
the tank as you just saw." She explained having
such a sweet and soft voice you could tell
something was up with her as well and you hated it.
"Dazai,what's your take on the situation?"
Kunikida asked as you only groaned knowing
that it was probably bad to feel a shit tone of jealousy. "Sasaki-san looks super sexy."
Dazai muttered as the woman only blushed
slightly at him.

"Be serious!" The blonde shouted
"Oh, right... There should be others who were abducted here. I know I heard voices just as I began drowning in the tank." Sasaki explained


Even after the various protests of the other three
you continued on with investigating were the
other people who were abducted could possibly
be. "Kunikida-san!"You heard Atsushi shout
from the distance as Dazai looked over at you,
both nodding at each other heading to the
direction of we're the other two were.

"Get back, Atsushi-kun! It's gas!"Dazai warned
as the two of you just made it in time
"You, too Kunikida-kun."You warned the blonde
who constantly banged the glass aggressively.
As you and Dazai had to pull him back away
from the glass as the blonde shouted.
"Let me go, Dazai and L/n! People can't die like
this! Let me go!"He screamed


It was late at night or atleast about one in
the morning when you managed to get back to
the agency bringing Sasaki to get checked by
Yosano who luckily hadn't falled asleep yet.
"Geez Y/n you got to be more careful and look a
fter yourself more instead of putting others
before yourself so much."Yosano sighed as
she finished up the stitching on your leg.
"You act like my mother instead of being
my friend." You patted her shoulder as she
looked at you giving you a smile which was
honestly beautiful. Why go for Dazai and
when you could probably be a lesbian at this
point with Yosano.

"Well atleast I care and unlike that suicidal
bastard who probably cares little about you when
he has his new girl over there. Honestly just be
with me we would be cuter together." Nudging
her elbow in your ribs. "I'll give it a few months
and maybe I will take that offer then." You
stated nudging her back. "Well while his not
looking at least I can do this." Quickly pressing
her lips on yours and only letting out a
chuckle once she pulled back.

"That should take your mind off being jealous
of that wretched Sasaki."

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