|•Chapter 30:Beauty is pain•|

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Second Person POV

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Second Person POV

"Neither of them will return with you! From now
on Kyoka-chan and her ability will be use to the
Armed Detective Agency."As tears trickled down
the cherry haired woman's face walking forward
as she brought you two in an motherly like
embrace. She had pushed your blade to the
side yet you had moved away from her.
Which made her glare in disappointment.
"I really should've come and collect you without awaiting Ougai-dono's permission. Neither of
you shall be left in this lying and deceit hypocrisy
for any second longer. Oh,my poor flowers,
beguiled by honeyed words into thinking this is a
world filled with light. Exploiting Demon
Snow for their own profit, you wouldn't like that
would you? However worry not these vermin
with conning intentions towards your ability.
I shall reduce them to ashes."Hearing the
agonising screams of Atsushi as she
used Golden demon.

You had taken the opportunity winging your
blade up at her but she was hard to defeat.
"Y/n my, my the light has sure gotten to you
what happened to my sweet little sister
figure I had back in your dark era. Now your a
free spirit doing things so called right way. Does
that Dazai influence you so much?" Holding the
blade in her bare palm cutting her slightly as
blood oozed out onto it."Kyoka!"Pulling the girl
back deflecting the swing Golden Demon
attempted to do. As you then sent it a kick to
it's stomach, distancing it away.

"Long time no see training dummy. Do you miss
me beating your ass all the time?"Pushing
the phantom forwards. Not realising Kouyou
already reached Atsushi already have her blade
from her umbrella unsheathed gripping your
blades handle tightly, you were pissed.
Golden Demon was quick on its feet coming
back for another swing which was deflected
again.  "Kouyou-dono, I still have some respect
for you. But if you dare attemp to lay your
katana's blade on my pupil. I will not be afraid
to slice up every single part of your body and
ship it to the Mafia's door step."Threatening her
as she chuckled delight at what she got.
"Oh but apologies my dearest Imouto, but I'm
afraid this is apart of my job."She restraint the
boy in a choke hold gritting your teeth as you
were feeling yourself getting backed up into a
corner. "And you wouldn't dare to kill me when
you haven't use your rusted blade for years."
A retort slips yet...

"Stop!"Kyoka screamed at her, pleading for
the woman to not hurt Atsushi. Getting him
out of her grasp is difficult when her Golden
Demon kept coming at you with its blade.
"I would love to humour you two but
Ougai-dono has ordered me to kill this lad,
but not just him also the whole Armed
Detective Agency. In other words this war
has immobilised the executives but I pleaded
him to let your lives be spared so now you
have. You're a flower of darkness meant to
only thrive in the dark, you know this the
most Y/n. Your beauty now is your past pain
in a painting."She held her hand out, retracting
her ability away from you. Giving you a chance
to forfeit in this fight.

"You're wrong."Kyoka stood up for
herself, taking courage to go against the older
woman's words. "I hate you lad and that stupid
Osamu Dazai, blinding two people by the light
that they've been exposed. Fortunately they're
not beyond salvation." Koyo hold her katana
up to his neck area. "Kyoka, if he dies surely
you won't find no place in the Agency.
Especially if your the reason he does die."
She snickered having you where she wanted
stuck in the mud thinking. "I understand.
I'll go back so..."Kyoka began walking over
to the woman as she sliced through
the Atsushi's neck area.

"Kyoka wait what are you-"Reaching out to
heras she stopped in her tracks turning to
face you again. "Ane-san, I love having you being
like my older sister."She turned again taking
the older woman's hand. "Everything I do is for
your two. You'll understand why one day Kyoka
and I'm sure Y/n already does." Walking off as
she dropped her umbrella to ground seeing
the smirk grew wide on her face, realising
Kyoka attempted to take her out.

"Wonderful you almost gave off no murderous
intent." Pushing the girl away from her as she
already snatched the phone in the process as
well, looks like assassin skills come in handy.
"Once a person sees the light of the world before
you know it,turning back is impossible."Flipping
the phone open, here's the moment you waited
for. "Don't you do that, Kyoka you'll..."Kouyou
warned, it was certainly unexpected of the girl.
"Demon Snow! Vanquish my foe!" She ordered
the phantom as Golden Demon the other
phantom began fighting it.

This was your opportunity, swinging your blade
at Kouyou had of course deflected it with yours.
"Your true nature is surely beautiful as I had taught you, use to kill everyone in your way back than
just like a demon even letting the god Raijin
take over at times." She spoke as you managed
to push her blade out of the way sending her
skidding back on her feet. "You know, it's not as
if I don't sympathise with neither of you it's
just somethings aren't meant to be. No matter
how hard a killer raised since birth yearn for
light, a flower that blooms in the dark can only
survive in the darkness. If it still seeks the
light, it'll only burn to a crisp. But how do I
know? I just simply know because... Because
I'm the past there was a girl who was
scorched by the light."She explained, causing
you to scoff at her words.

"If that was the case why ruin the wonderful
dream she is pursuing herself." Blades
clashing again as Demon Snow and Golden
Demon did as well. Synchronised with her
swinging speed. "Come back you know it
deep in your heart." She spoke as you knew
her intentions were only trying to be helpful
in her own sense. But the way she was
executing it was wrong. "No way would Kyoka
and I go back to that hell bound place. Even
so I..." "You can achieve your objectives and
legitimise how many your slaughter. Your
true nature will never leave or change, if it
wasn't the case your abilities wouldn't be the
reason why your parents are dead. Demon
Snow butchered Kyoka's own parents and
Y/n your parents were sacrificed while you
were experimented on." Hatred was building
up in you, the fact she brought that up.

Focusing on her as Kyoka was on the verge of
crying as the sudden snap of a phone breaking
Demon Snow disappearing. Various cars and
gun armed men surrounded you, Kouyou
walking over to the younger girl realising
she had picked her over you. She purposely use
your emotions against you and the horrors
of your past to end the fight. In a way she didn't
want to harm you physically but mentally
she did. That man told her to...

"Sorry Y/n you've grown to be untameable, I
would protect you but you seem like you don't
want me to. I shall leave the rest to them."She
walked off with her picking up Koyka's knife
and throwing it at Kouyou grazing your
right cheek barely. "Duck down."A voice warned
car flying over everyone's head landing into
the garden. "Your late Kunikida-kun." Watching
the Blonde run, scolding and worrying about
Atsushi at the same time, such a mum friend.
"Wow. Perfect timing."Turning your head over to
two people which you automatically knew
they we're members of The Guild.

"Seems like a fight was about to break out it
would've been no fun if we came later. Now the
rest of us are coming." More Guild members
had appeared this wasn't good at all.

Too Stoic for him? जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें