|•Chapter 37:Disagreements•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

"You sure these will work."Finally finishing setting
up the smoke machine that Dazai managed
to get which you wouldn't question it that much.
"When are my predictions ever wrong?"He
smirked. "Never."Huffing out rolling your eyes
at him. "Well would you look at that there he is,
now we need to cover his back while he gets shot."
He pointed up seeing Atsushi's small figure
falling down fast to the ground, everything
was utter chaos.

"Shit that's not good they're already firing. But
how are we supposed to help him when he's up
in the sky?"Asking Dazai as surely he had
a plan. "This an alligator clip that is hooked up to
the cities main power station, though it depends
if your willing to handle all that electricity."
He suggested. "Just give it here, you want me
to manipulate all the cities electricity I
figured. It would take a lot to stop a literally missile."Slightly annoyed at him figuring
that he must've gotten this made be out
was different than the usual.

This solution was probably better than using
your full ability in your body's health condition.
Letting him defeat hookup the clip onto your
shirt using it as some form of an conductor

"Born from the corpse of Inazami herself.
I ask you to lend me your power.
Almighty Raijin."

Sparks began emitting with hundreds even
thousands of volts ran through the blood and
bone marrow of your body being able to handle
more than anyone can. "That's it concentrate
the energy through."Dazai spoke from behind
although he wanted to hold you he would be
dead and also he would instantly nullify
your abilities. You only have one shot at
this manifesting it causing Dazai to distance
himself he wouldn't want a painful death though
it's from you but for now he'd need some
resistance and control.

"And now."Bolt being sent to the next missile
watching Atsushi transform into his tiger form
due to getting his parachute ripped apart.
Whoever aiming those things were shit always
missing these missiles,who aims at a tanker
truck. Using your last of your strength to protect
Atsushi from the explosion, you were at you limits.
"Special Ability:No Longer Human."Hand softly wrapping around your neck,being brought
up to Dazai. He kissed you tasting the feelings
put into it as it also felt rewarding receiving
it from him.

"I'll let you rest now, you've done well Darling.
But now we have a power out."He ruffled your
hair walking off to Atsushi as he grabbed your
hand causing you to follow along with him.
He bent down to the boy on the ground, this was
one of the only moments were you could read
him sensing the proudness deep down and
he seemed actually happy this time unlike others.
"Victory is yours, Atsushi-kun."He congratulated
him, as you give him a small clap.

"Dazai-san?! L/n-san?!"The boy gasped out
"You spirit prevails,and this city is saved."Dazai
spoke more words of gratitude. "Watch out
they're attacking from above!"Atsushi warned
us as chuckle emitted form Dazai. "Are they?"
He pressed the button activating all the smoke machines, picking up the doll handing it over
to him letting him nullify it.


"How did you two know where I was going
to land?"Atsushi asked as Dazai helped him
down the stairs to the underground train
station. "We watched the skies and predicted
though I gotta say Atsushi-kun well done with that
Yokohama is safe for now.Is what I want to say."
The man said as earlier he insisted to carry
you down as well but you rejected the off saying
that he should help the young boy instead
of yourself. "Is there a problem?"Atsushi asked
him as the man seemed tired and bummed
out from everything going on.

"With Q still in their hands, they can launch this
kind of large-scale destruction as many times
as they want to. The Special Ability Department,
our only collaborator is stuck in their tracks.
We can longer...."As Atsushi interrupted
Dazai perking both your interests. "Dazai-san,
L/n-san.It says in a book that I read a long
time ago, "Not once have I regretted the things
that I did.I only regret the things that I did not
do." It also says "The head may err, but
never the blood." I had an idea while I was
falling through the sky. You may say it's
completely out of the question, but I think it's
the one and only solution indicated by my
very blood and soul."Atsushi explained

"An idea about what?"Dazai asked him
"About Collaborators. They are the strongest of
them all in Yokohama, and they'll protect this
city more fiercely than any other. There are no
better Collaborators than this organisation with
our war against the guild. I'm talking about
the.... Port Mafia."


"Oh jeez that was sure an catastrophic day
wasn't it." Dazai closed his book shut as it was
no one else but you in him in the infirmary
since it was really late at night the time you're
vulnerable . "Sure." Giving him a half-hearted response. "Well I best be going, I have to go to
the meeting with the Mafia tomorrow morning."
He rose from the chair next to the bed picking
up his coat resting on the back

"Don't you mean we? We always work together
in these situations, Dazai." Your voice became
more brute and harsh as you spoke to him
"Your injured, I don't want another slap and
scolding from Yosano. She'll be staying to keep
you company take it or leave it. Now goodnight."
He gave you the same tone and treatment back.
"I'm highly capable of protecting myself thank
you very much."Retorting back making him
stop in his tracks by the door before turning
around to face back to you again.

"It's not about that Y/n, you seriously are the
real suicidal one here. Your willing enough to
sacrifice yourself for the people you care about
the most. But I can't let you continue making
idiotic choices."He stated teeth gritting at
him gloved thists clenching too.

"Excuse me?" Idiotic did he really think that
about you? "I said what I said. Your sometimes
idiotic. It would be great if you didn't let
yourself get immerse into a fight." His arms
are now crossed over his chest. Having a
more darkening look on his face. "Immersed?
Now I'm not like the old me. But come on it's
not my fault I care. Plus I escape death more
than anyone can." You started to return his
intense staring with a more colder glare.

"I care as well but you're getting too soft. You
show so much empathy to others, it won't
redeem the past if you only save people to save
your younger self." What. Your hands had
unconsciously gripped the blanket over you.
"Leave." "Oh gladly I will. I'm not coming
back until you realise you were so foolish."
Turning to the bedside table and grabbing the
glass of water, throwing it right at him
but you purposely missed. Which you almost
regret doing so.

"I don't want to see you either so go!"
"Wow you let your anger get the best of you.
So violent just like back then."

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