|•Chapter 18:Brains,Bronze,Beauty•|

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Second Person POV

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Second Person POV

Men so predictable in there movements, you let
out an annoying sigh watching as the two
men have been throwing punches at each other
for who knows how long it'since been. As Dazai
finally grabbed Chuuya's arm sending an
uppercut into the ginger's stomach. You
noticed a small container roll out down to your
feet from the pocket his black slacks he wore.
Perfect it was the reversal pills to the nullification poison they had injected very stupid of Chuuya
to carry that around with him.

Though problem was all your limbs were
heavily restraint to the chair so that's a pain.
Shuffling and squirming as you finally pushed the chair forward falling to the ground using your
mouth to slow undo the cap of the container of
pills. Great this was ruining your skirt in the
process as you didn't pay much mind to the "men"
or should you call them little boys from the
amount of times you have had to
babysit them in the past.

"Finally." Groaning as the pills rolled out onto the ground oh well five second rule exists for a
reason. Snapping your fingers as you manipulated
the electricity powering the light of the
underground cell using it to break the restraints.
Appearing right behind Chuuya kicking his
side sending him flying off to the wall.
"Jeez Y/n finally joined the fight I though I was going to get my arm ripped off fighting little legs.
Though this is expected for the best martial artist in the Mafia." Dazai complained as you rolled your
eyes stepping to the side as the knife only just missed your leg and cutting your skirt instead.

"You owe me a new skirt for your shit aim Chuuya."
Jumping to the side as he came at you with a
punch. "I will if you beat me in a fight."As your
lips cocked up in a smile this is easy.
"Alright then."


After punch after punch, block after block and
kick after kick for who knows how long the
two of you have been fighting for. "You still can't throw a punch." Grabbing Chuuya throwing
him down onto the ground. "Heh. Dumbass."
As he grabbed your skirt pulling you down with
him pulling out your knife. That you were
surprised you still had, pointing it at his throat
while he pointed his at yours. Meanwhile Dazai hated this the way you got pulled onto Chuuya
like that and how you didn't even get mad
at him at all. He was severely unimpressed but
he couldn't do shit at all or he would end
up being stabbed.

"Looks like it's a tie."Dazai announced
"After all this I knew this was the outcome we've be partners for a long time. I know your moves
and habits like the back of my hands. That's what being a partner means. We we're the Brains, the Bronze and the Beauty ,the three of us right?"He asked wearing his annoying shit eating grin.
"Then you should be able to see this coming so
called brains, right?!" Chuuya managed to push
you off as he sent a punch right at Dazai's face
who skidded back while only barely standing.

"Shit."Muttering noticing all the scabs and
scratches along your legs as you got up
"Now this! Is how you throw a punch!"The Ginger
sent another punch right in Dazai's stomach
area as the bandage man began to cough up more blood. As Chuuya pinned him up against the
wall holding him in a chokehold. "You think
you could win just because you knew my moves?Game over. One last thing tell me...Why did you
two let yourselves get captured?" He held the
knife right up against his throat, you needed
to do something.

"Not telling me Huh-"Cutting him off as you now
had him in a proper chokehold. "Now, now,
Chuuya. Little kids shouldn't be handling knives
like that drop it." Threateningly holding your
knife right near his abdomen area. "I will once I
get answers." He retorted as you added more pressure in the hold but not enough to kill.
"We did it...mostly for Atsushi-kun." Dazai
answered. "The man-tiger? He's the one you lot
are obsessed with." Letting go of as you made
sure he kept his distance, if you guys were
to properly fight with raw strength disclosing
any use of weapons and abilities the person
who would win would be you.

"I'm dying to know who put that seventy billion
yen bounty on him too." You admitted
"So you two out yourselves in danger for him?
Wow your really made for each other."He joked
"We're best friends."You both stated at the same-time as Chuuya chuckled at that lie.
"Whatever you two say. But it's a touching story
is what I also wanted to say. But this is how
it ends. You Dazai are the shadow of the man
you we're Mr. "Youngest Boss in History.
Unfortunately Y/n got draggged into the execution to having many titles but her most famous one
was "The Mafia's Daisho" literally a weapon."
He spoke as you kinda started to get bored
at his speech he was giving but you'll let
Mr Rich Guy have his moment.

"Being captured six months later, on the day I returned from suppressing some small fry in the west. If I may say so myself I'm damned
lucky." He finished as the two of you laughed.
"What's so funny."Questioning the change of behaviour all of a sudden. "Let me tell you something interesting. There will be a executives conference tomorrow." Dazai stated that's part
B of the plan kicking in.

"Five executives conference? No way. It is only held every few years when it's extremely important
and internal issues to be decided. If that we're
true, they should've contacted..." He trailed off
"That's because I sent a letter to the higher
ups a few days ago. Now it's just a bet but... you personally won't kill me. You will tell me
where to find the information about Atsushi's bounty then leave this room... Talking and
walking like a girl with turned into feet."
Dazai chuckled at Chuuya.

"Huh?!" "My predictions always come true I
thought that you knew that." He reminded
"Under such circumstances? You must
be kidding... What letter?" His eyes widened
"A letter saying that 'All thy secrets should be brought to light on the occasion of Dazai's death.
This will be increased to the fall and death of mafia
if the occasion of L/n Y/n's death as well. Me
being valuable with an anti ability will be the
Mafia's mistake but since not many people know that Y/n is a vessel of a god means that she
has added value meaning you and everyone
else in the Mafia are dead."

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