|•Chapter 9:The thing we do for eachother•|

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

"L/n-san?"Atsushi called out to the h/c girl
who was completely zoned out. "You good?"
He asked her as she finally snapped out of it,
turned giving the boy a soft smile which he
happily returned back. But little did he know
the pain that was sealed way in that smile.
She watched as Ranpo and the officer were interacting as something felt off....

"What's your name?" Ranpo asked the young
officers."Huh? Oh I-I'm Junsa Sugimoto. The
deceased, Miss Yamagiwa was my senior in
the department. What do you need sir?"
Sugimoto saluted at him. "Okay Sugimoto-kun, you're now a famous detective! Solve the case in
sixty seconds!" Wait what did Ranpo just say the woman thought as she continued to observe
the officers behaviour putting it that Ranpo was cleary testing him. As Sugimoto panicked trying
to figure out something "Fifty seconds to go."
Ranpo spoke driving the "poor" guy to
keep on thinking.

"Uhh... Okay here goes. Yamagiwa-senpai was...
She'd been suspecting a politician of corruption,
and then the Mafia had targeted her to keep
her quiet! Come to think of it the murder style actually resembles the Mafia's M.O in revenge killings! I'm willing to bet that the Mafia killed
her to keep her from investigating-"

"Wrong." Dazai and Y/n interrupted him.
"The Mafia revenge killings always the same, like
they're leaving a calling card. First thing they do is
force the person who crossed them to bite the curb and then they kick the back of their head breaking their jaw. And as you can see her jaw is perfectly
in tact." The h/c woman lifted up Yamagiwa's
jaw to reveal that it was perfectly fine.
"Even though they do shoot them three time in the chest while the victim's agony and pain is still fresh
this wasn't a Mafia doing."She explained and
looked over to Dazai to explain the rest.

"As my lovely colleague of mine explained, I have
to admit you were almost correct but this M.O
may look like Mafia,but it wasn't them. In other words the killer did it this way on purpose." He finished off knowing that Y/n was never fond of talking about how the Mafia treated traitors. Since she was the one who had to do this to most of
them and if she didn't she would've gotten the
exact same thing.

"Oh...man so they shot the body two more times
just to make it look like someone else's doing
how horrible." Sugimoto sighed out. "AAAAND TIMES UP!" Ranpo chuckled patting the man's
head. "Poor boy, looks like you just don't have
talent to be a famous detective!" "Look here
you! You keep spouting this "Great and famous
detective" bullshit, like you've been reading too
many mystery novels! The way to solve a
murder case is to search for info and scour the
crime it's self!" the man shouted well wrong
move to doubt him your just gonna get your
ass handed back to you ten times harder.

"Uh,what? So you still don't get it?Great detectives don't have to investigate. All I have to do is use my
"ultra deduction" one time." Ranpo explained.
"Ultra Deduction" is a ability that will help to extract the truth behind anything giving to Ranpo, knowing every bit of info about it. The "ability" it's self matches up to the h/c woman's mind reading
ability sometimes the two even clash.

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