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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Oda's last word to Dazai and her is all of what ran through her mind as they left the mafia
"Be on the side that saved people.If both sides are the same,then choose to become a good person.
Save the weak,protect the orphaned. You both
might not see a great difference between right
and wrong,but...saving others is something
just a bit beautiful."

The young woman sighed as knowing just walking out the door from the Mafia isn't going to be the most easiest thing. People would be on their
tales and would just be a big wild goose chase for
the Mafia to play. So this is why they're
currently setting bombs up one underneath Chuyua's car, Y/n's car (since they can track it)
and another in her office. This should be enough to distract the Mafia from their leave well
only for probably about a few days at the most.

"Alright this is the last one."Dazai dusted off his hands as if he just shoved them down the toilet of some shitty restaurant.The h/c woman only
nodded as she then wiped out the detonator to set off all three bombs. "Let's get away from a good distance first Dazai, I'm not planning on a suicide let alone with you."The h/c woman stated as she
just dragged her fellow executive with her
from a safe distance .

The three bombs went off simultaneously as if it was orchestrated which it was as the young h/c
woman was the orchestrator. "We should get running now before they get us."As the two ran
off into the Yokohama's dark night. Neither of
them were going to be safe for now on and they
both knew that the Mafia wouldn't let them just
go in out the door easily.Both of the executives
know too much for them just to walk freely
and they weren't just two executives they were consider the Mafia's best of the best.

"How pissed do you think Chuyua will be?"Dazai asked as they both continued running through
the streets as the moon lit their path
"Very pissed since we did blow up his car."
making the young male executive chuckle
at the woman's reponse.


Meanwhile at the Port Mafia Headquarters a
certain short red-head wasn't haven't it at all with
his car being blown up and that two of his
friends just left like that. He felt all kinds of emotions, the gravity manipulator could legit
punch a whole building and it would crumble
into a million pieces.

Mori currently had ordered the Black Lizard to
track them down since he wasn't letting
his two most valuable assets escape like that.
You could say he grown attached to them considering the both of them could literally take his position if they wanted to which is what he feared. Even though he did do it to the boss before
him, Mori knew what the two were capable of.

"That fucking Dazai!"Chuyua growled scarring some of his underlings. "Now,Now,Chuyua. I need
you to go out and track them both down as well
since your closer with the two."Mori stated
"Oh good because I'm going to punch both their faces into the ground." He was in the heat
of the moment, thinking about the woman.
The first woman he's ever loved.

Too Stoic for him? Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat