And just like that, Caden's angry, wild eyes flashed before my eyes.

Shaking my head to rid those memories, I pick up my ruined clothes from the floor and open the door to find Stacey still standing in the hallway waiting for me. She gives me a soft smile but it doesn't reach her eyes. Her eyes are filled with concern and worry. I want to smile back at her to assure her I was fine but I couldn't get my lips to curl up even the slightest bit. I was not okay.

"I called Brandon." That had me snapping my eyes up at my best friend as a sense of panic took over me. "Relax. I just told him you were staying the night with me." Relief washed over me upon hearing that. "Your parents were worried about you."

Sighing, I hadn't even thought of calling them when I left Caden's house. Obviously they would worry – especially mum, given the way I had rushed out of Nana's house. "Thanks, Stace." I said in a small voice. I could barely even recognize my own voice at this point.

"Come on..." Sighing, she gestured for me to follow her. Trailing after her, I followed her inside her bedroom. The house was quiet. It was a given since her family was out of town for the weekend and for that I was thankful. I didn't want anyone seeing me in the state I had ended up on Stacey's doorstep. I just couldn't handle the questions that would follow.

Following Stacey, I sat on her bed. "Give me your hand." She said putting forward her own. Frowning, I did as she asked.

Picking up a cotton and antiseptic from the first aid box that lay open on the bed beside her, she got to work. I should feel pain when the antiseptic touch the cuts on my wrist but I felt nothing. It was as though I had lost the ability to feel anything. I just sat watching all the while Stacey worked on both my hands.

Bandaging my hands once she was done, she looked up at me. "You're gonna have to wear long sleeves for a while." She murmured in worry.

All I could manage was a small nod. Hearing a sigh from Stacey, I looked up at her. I could tell that she so badly wanted to ask me, but she didn't know where to start. Hell, even I didn't know where to start.

"I'm in love with Caden." That seemed like a good way to begin. Her eyes shot up to mine, shock written all over them.

"W... what... How? You guys have been on only one date." She asked, making it seem like I was crazy so I told her everything. I knew I shouldn't because it wasn't my story to tell but I couldn't keep everything inside me any longer. Hiding things from my best friend was never my intention. And I have always trusted her enough to keep my secrets but at this moment, I needed someone to talk to. So I told her everything – from Caden sneaking inside my bedroom at nights, to his past and life in prison. When I got to the events of tonight, I could see a flare of anger in her eyes but she didn't say anything. All the while, she remained quiet – just listening to what I had to say.

"I don't know when or how I fell in love with him but somewhere along the way, it stopped being just about my position as the president of the club. It became more about helping him rid the demons he carried inside. Overtime he showed me a side of him that nobody even knew existed – a part that he keeps hidden under that façade of his. I fell for that side of him." I finished softly, tears pricking at the back of my eye.

Putting a comforting hand over mine, Stacey looked at me with sad eyes. "It's not your job to fix broken people, Anaya. I wish you could see the way I see you. You're my best friend and you're the most amazing person I know. You deserve a nice guy who loves and respects you, not someone who just sees you as a way for venting out his anger and baggage."

The need to defend Caden was strong but I pushed it down. "Maybe I don't see Caden the way you do or know him the way you do but what I do know is that you deserve so much better, Ana." Stacey says, her voice soft, her eyes regarding me carefully.

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