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*19 years ago*

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*19 years ago*

Adam and Sam was four, Justin was five, Jay and Dean was eight and Will was eleven

I woke up with a groan. "It's Christmas" Adam, Sam and Jay were jumping on my bed. Adam and Jay are always first to wake me most of the time being in bed with me. "Marry Christmas babies" I wrap my arms around all three forcing them to lay down, they were giggling the whole time. A moment later Will and Dean come in both hoping on my bed. "Merry Christmas" I say getting back mumbles of merry Christmas from both boys who clearly haven't fully woken up.

I carry a clingy Adam down the steps with the rest of the boys behind me. I figured out a long time ago that Adams plan of being carried made sure he was the first kid down. I don't mind though. The living room was full of presents making them all gasp in delight. It was organised into piles five piles around the living room with mountains of presents. Then presents also under the tree but that's for later.

The boys were running around playing with their presents. We had eaten and gotten dressed. I could hear laughter and shouting bouncing off every wall quickly followed by loud footsteps. It always brought a smile to my face. "Hello hello" I hear Camille shout I walk into the living room seeing the three enter the house. "Merry Christmas" I say bending down Justin races into my arms I pick him up holding him close. "Look auntie Elle" he holds up a sword smiling "Santa got it for me" "you must of been very good" I say as Camille and Henry put presents under the tree. They open the ones from Santa in the morning and the ones from Henry, Camille and I later all together. "Want to go find the boys they are running around here somewhere" I put him down as he nods without hesitation running off to find my children. I walk over to Henry and Camille giving them both a hug and wishing them a merry Christmas before walking into the kitchen all together. "How was your morning" I ask "got woken up at six by him jumping on our bed" I laugh "I somehow managed to get an extra hour before Adam Sam and Jay were screaming and jumping on mine, Dean and Will joining a few minutes later" they laugh. We just sit talking and drinking coffee for the next few hours.

We had eaten and now it was time for us to open presents again. "Mummy can I go first" Jay asks innocently "I got first" Adam whines "how bout Justin goes first" I say not wanting a fight to start Adam just stares at me pouting while Jay shrugs.

There was wrapping paper everywhere. All the boys were fascinated with random toys they had gotten. Justin wearing his new black beanie while Adam wears his white one. Jay had put his new blue gloves on only to realise how hard it is to do things with gloves on but he refused to take them off. Will was wearing his new shoes. Dean was trying to pick which out of his two new sneakers he liked best and Sam was putting things in the pockets of his new coat. "Boys" I say gaining their attention "I want you all to pick up your wrapping paper make sure nothing is caught in it and put it in the bin" Dean, Sam and will all getting to work but Jay Justin and Adam had already moved onto the toys they got playing with them. Their attention was much harder to grasp. Henry taps Justin on the shoulder saying something that I don't hear but causes Justin to immediately get to work cleaning up. "Unless you want me to take your toys away your going to help" I told my boys sternly making them jump into action and clean up.

I watch Jay Adam Sam and Justin work together on building marble run. It was one of the family Christmas presents. Will was using his new scooter, I did hate him using it in the house but it was snowing outside and we have a big area plus it Christmas so I let it slide. Dean was using his new skateboard or tying to. Jay got a skateboard as well while Sam, Justin and Adam bikes. I did ask Will asked for the scooter, I was going to get him a skateboard as well but he liked the scooter. They also got a massive thing of magnets to share. The younger boys got bath chalks along with puzzles and books for them to do. The older boys got books and puzzles as well along with binoculars and a torch each. Jay got news balls to play with but I may have found something he likes to sit and do which excites me I have been trying for years. Dean also got new balls to play with. Will got a science set thing which he was excited about. Adam and Justin got wooden toy trucks (dump trucks diggers excavators) and blocks and rocks to build with. Sam got a truck that transforms into a dinosaur along with other dinosaurs stuff. All the kids got new jackets, jumpers, shoes, beanies and gloves it was the one present they got every year.

I smile watching the younger kids work together to build the marble run watching Jay boss them around made me laugh. Will looking at his science thing and Dean playing with his skateboard it was the prefect day.

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