Will was right

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I was out with Adam we were grabbing lunch

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I was out with Adam we were grabbing lunch. It had been a two weeks since my hospital visit and everyone is still on high alert, not that I blame them. I wouldn't have it any other way. Justin had basically been raising Denise pushing me out. It made me upset Denise was my girl my baby the only child who relied on me, it was extremely cute to watch though. Henry was proud that Justin had grown up given up his bad ways. Justin and Adam were like gay dads taking care of her. It was funny to watch. It does bring me join though. Jay and Will had been alternating taking care of Nia and Jack not they needed it. Pretty sure the two teenagers were humouring them to make me relax more.

I was sipping my tea. I'm really missing coffee the possibility of never being able to have it again depresses me. "So how you been Mumma" "fantastic I do hate being pushed out of my daughter life but I do love to watch it your like her gay dads" he doesn't find it as funny as I do. He just gives me an unamused look. "How have you been" "busy but good" I smile nodding. I rub my stomach "I know I have said it but I am excited for the baby" "Addy my baby I know you were worried I always did" he smiles "you always had trouble with that side of emotions when you really worried or scared you get mean" I smiles he just shrugs.

I stand up rubbing my stomach "what's wrong what happened Mumma" Adam said panicked I couldn't explain it. I just felt something wasn't right. I groan feeling a contraction or Braxton hicks I don't know. "Adam I need you to take me to the hospital" his eyes widen grabbing his keys "what's going on" he wraps his arm around me. He moves me to his car the whole way I'm clutching his arm the pain getting worse with every step.

"I need help" Adam was carrying me my legs had given out "something is wrong" I tell Connor as he rushes over. Adam is instructed to put me in a bed. "Addy call Henry" I somehow get out as they are checking me and hooking me up to machines.

My heart wasn't handling the pregnancy if I continued I was going to die. I had to be rushed to have an emergency c section. Henry rushed beside me, Adam telling me everyone else would be waiting.

My baby. The cries were everything to me. They put the baby on my chest briefly for skin to skin, before whisking him away. I should have known it would be a boy. He was tiny my smallest baby. Born 26 weeks he was going to spend time in Nicu. I knew this think I expected it but that doesn't change how upsetting it is. Oliver Henry Voight our little Ollie.

I was sitting in the chair beside him. Just watching all the machines keep him alive. I had all kinds of wires on me to monitor my heart. "His so tiny" Henry said I hum "much smaller than Jack" I add smiling I had messaged Will that he could bring them up. "Wow his so little" Jay said "his going to alright right" Adam asks "his going to be fine" Will assured them as they all crowed around "what's his name" Nia asks I look at Henry "Oliver Henry Voight" "I see he convinced you to keep the Henry name going" Justin said smirking "I didn't have to be convinced I knew how important it was" he laughs. "His my brother" Denise asked like it was a question. It was hard for her, hard for both my girls. But it was different for Denise. Kids were bringing up that she was black, she was starting to feel the racism. She wasn't even beginning to understand the word, just that the kids said she didn't have the same skin so she couldn't possibly be our family. She was smart so she understood family isn't blood (Dean forever told her that) and family isn't based on the colour of skin. Doesn't mean she doesn't question it and get confused she's seven almost eight. "Yeah this is your brother" I nod "his the baby to everyone in this room" I point out smiling "does this mean justie is my brother" "it's better than mum calling us gay dads" Adam shrugs making us laugh "I was pregnant and you guys were doing everything" I laugh out I take a deep breath calming myself down. I couldn't get to worked up in anyway. Denise is in Adams arms as he holds her up to see the tiny baby. "He kinda looks like Adam and Justin" Jay said "but he does have Jays nose" Will remarks making everyone turn to him "I have seen pictures" he shrugs "I was also alive for all of you" i adds making me laugh Henry laughs as well "he looks like Justin" Henry adds "yes my brother looks like me" "with jays nose, Adams ears, kinda has a combination of both jays and jacks eyes" Nia adds "but everything else is me" Justin remarked making us all laugh. "How can you see his eyes they are closed" Jack asks "I know things Jack" Nia shrugs. This baby despite being so tiny and young. It will be so loved.

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