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*eight years ago*

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*eight years ago*

Jack was nine, Adam was sixteen, Justin was seventeen, Jay was twenty and Will was twenty three.

Jay had left for the army a year ago. Will was in New York at med school. I was raising three boys. Confused I wouldn't blame you. Camille had past a few years back since then I have been helping Henry take care of Justin, this meant anytime. They were days where Henry just couldn't raise a child wanting to be just alone. I didn't question it. Justin was ten when his mother died, Henry found it incredibly hard. So I helped picking him up with Adam. Holding him when he needed. He had become more apart of the family than he already was, had his own room. He was going between living with his dad and me. He was trouble but so Adam so I couldn't complain and I could handle it.

"Can I drive" Adam asks. He had just gotten his permit and wanted to drive everyone. Justin was the same only now he can drive on his own, Henry even brought him a car. Adam drives like Jay always in a rush no caution. "Only if you drive carefully Jack will be in the car" I tell him sternly "I could take Jack" Justin said fiddling with his keys "no" I say making him pout "you drive crazy it's a miracle you have been pulled over yet" "dad would make it disappear your a fed you could to" he shrugs "it's a miracle you survived this long" I hug him, he laughs into me.

"Will told me that I drive like Jay" I was sitting in the passenger seat more stressed than ever. "Yep what did I do to deserve two crazy drivers" I sigh as he pulls out like his on some racetrack. I give him a glare as Jack giggles in delight. "I might have to get Henry to teach you" Adam laugh just driving "he has far more patience you for and Justin" he takes a sharp turn. The whole drive I'm bracing.

"Get out I'm driving" I say helping Jack out giving his bag "mumma" I just give him a look making him sigh "don't worry I use to do this to jay all the time he hated it as much you do" I kiss jacks head which he immediately wipes off giving me a glare. I get into the drivers seat to see a pouting Adam in the passenger. "You will go driving this afternoon" I promise making him smile "I'll message you you might have to get Justin to drop you home but you will go driving" he nods as I drop him off at school.

I pull up the the district. I had messaged Henry making sure he was here. He met me at the bottom of the stairs outside. "Everything ok" he was clearly confused and worried "our boys haven't done anything right" I laugh "well your son seems to think that we will sweep it under the rug if his pulled over" he smirks "but that's not why I'm here" he nods "can you teach Adam to drive" he laughs "Justin told me you said he was like Jay been waiting for this day" I playfully slap his chest I could feel people watching us no doubt he could as well "yeah I can" he nods "you feel that two" he asked noticing me subtly glancing around "please tell me it's just cops and not some case your working on" "it could be a case your working on" he exclaimed throwing his arms up. I shrug "could be any of us" I wrap my arms around him "be careful I will message you if they follow me" "same here" he nods into me.

I had picked Jack up from school. "Mummy when can I drive" "when your sixteen but don't drive like Jay and Adam and we will be fine" "how was school" "good I played with Lexi" I smile "did you sit with her in class as well" he nods "she's my best friend" I smiling making a mental to get to know Al and Meredith better because of them.

"Addy Addy" Jay yells when Adam walks in. Jack was always excited when his older brothers were around. He loved spending time with them more than anything. Adam puts his bag down I didn't hear much as I was busy going through my emails. A moment later Jack runs in jumping on me. "Addy didn't want me around" I sigh just holding my youngest for a moment "how bout you go do your homework while I go see what's wrong with your big brother" he nods racing away I close my laptop walking upstairs. I knock on his door leaning on the frame "want to talk about what's going on" "no when are we going driving" I sigh "Adam" I walk in sitting at his desk. "I'm going to tell you what I told Jay and Will mainly jay cause his more stubborn and annoying than Will" he smiles "his your baby brother he looks up to you wants to do everything with you guys you more because your here...I know he wants to do everything with Justin as well his basically his brother as well but Justin doesn't care I actually heard them last night apparently Justin was going to take him to MacDonalds after I went to sleep" we laugh "I know you don't always want to be around him and that's more than ok but just give him some time and don't break promises" he nods "oh and Henry is taking you" he laughs "I also spoke to your dad" "so you don't have to" I nod smile "I don't want to feel my life flash before my eyes and if Henry can teach Justin who drives like his on a race track them he can teach you along with your dad" he laughs.

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