A new beginning

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It had been a few months

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It had been a few months. I was six months pregnant and with a rather prominent belly now. My life had somewhat calmed down. All my kids were fussing over me, wanting to help. Not just my kids, Justin had practically moved in with me. I was paranoid, the same way I was back then when I ran into them. I didn't want my old life creeping in. I had a lot of time to think. I was walking through the house carrying Denise. The sweet seven year old had become clingy, something I use to. Jay became clingy when I was pregnant with Adam, Adam when I was pregnant with Jack. I want into the kitchen to see Jack cooking and Nia bossing him around making me laugh. "How's a favourite baby" Nia asks as Justin came in "how is my brother or sister" he loves highlighting that simple fact to everyone. He takes Denise into his arms "the baby is perfect" I say walking over making my tea that I have every morning. "So what are you doing today" Jack asks passing me some toast. "Meeting my dad" I say bluntly they all stop looking at me "you sure that's a good idea" Jack questioned not liking the idea one bit, by now they all somewhat knew the story. "Yeah" I nod finishing my tea "you guys right with Neise" "yeah I got her" Justin reassured me making me nod before going upstairs and getting ready.

I walk to the table nervously. I rub my stomach feeling baby move around. "Sam" my dad said stand my "your pregnant wow congratulations" I smile nodding he gestures for me to sit which I do. "I understand why you don't want us are your kids" he began "the things your mother and sister did are unthinkable" I take a deep breath rubbing my stomach I had done a lot to try to forget. "I tried to stop them but you know how they are" I nod watching him rub his neck "how many do you have" "this will be my ninth and one godson that's like my child" I say smiling "wow" I nod he didn't need to know the logistic of my family. "I suppose you got your fertility from you mother" I was confused mum only had one daughter and she was a monster as well. "Sam" he began but before he could continue I notice a familiar matte black suv. I sigh "give me a moment I will be right back" I stand walking across the street. I tap on his window "what didn't see me coming...what are you doing here Henry" he looks across the street "making sure you and my child are ok" I sigh "we are always will be you know I would never put this baby in any sort of danger" he nods "it's not you it's him I don't trust" "I don't full trust him either but he isn't responsible for any of what happened in the past so I giving him the benefit of the doubt" "wish you would have Brought someone" "well your here" I smile making him laugh "don't be creepy" I point out knowing he won't leave before walking back to table. "Everything ok" I nod "just a close friend worrying about me" "he knows everything" I nod "he probably hates me" I shrug "his opinion of you doesn't matter" he nods rubbing his hand through his hair "right what I was going to say" I nod "Sam" he said carefully slightly worrying me "your mother isn't your mother" I was so confused "I had you before I got with her the plan was 50/50 custody of you but then her brother got sick and she had to fly to the other side of the world. I didn't want you going and she didn't know how long so she signed over custody. She never gave up on you. You have five siblings with her full siblings" I gasp holding the table I was in more shock then I ever been. I had so many questions is that why they hated me because my dad always went back to my bio mum. "You were to young to remember but you were always my girl" I had tears in my eyes "I tried to get you away from them back to your mother but by time it got bad she had already adopted you so it was a legal process. But I promise I tried no judge wanted to take her custody away I tried so many times. She banned you from seeing your mother" tears drip down my face "I couldn't let you go and I'm so sorry I regret not letting you go with your mother back then still to this day. The images of how they hurt you still haunt me. The court battles and police who wouldn't help make me furious" "you did everything you could to make the situation as best you could without being charged" mum threaded to have him charged on kidnapping if he took me. Don't think it would have stuck given his my father but the fear of not seeing me again and me being stuck in the situation alone was enough to ward him off the idea. He also didn't want to leave his other daughter even if she was a monster he believed it was just her mother's influence. I think she's just like that. "You have twin seventeen year old siblings Ryan and London, And three sisters Laura, Aurora and Ariel" I didn't understand this whole situation all I really got was that I now have five siblings. I didn't know what to think or feel. "They know about you and would like to meet you but I told them to wait let you process it first" I nod slowly thankful that he told them to wait. "I'm sorry" "you protected me as much as you could never left me alone with them" "they still found a way" I shrug I may not have dealt with it properly but I had somewhat moved on "they will always find away" I remind him "I don't blame you I want you to know that" I take a deep breath "I also hope you know I don't want them near or knowing my children" he nods "I wouldn't want them around them either" he said sternly I didn't understand why he was still with them. I sigh glancing at the car. "I have to go but" I pause getting up thinking about the right words to get out what I really want to say. Trying to decided if I wanted my dad to meet my kids. "I will call you I have a lot to sort through" he nods I could tell he wanted to a hug to I walk forward hugging him. I still didn't know if I trusted him fully. I walk across the road getting into the car. "You alright" Henry asks as he begins to drive "that monster isn't my mother" he looks confused "my mother had to go across the globe and left me with my dad signing over custody I don't understand properly but I have five full siblings...my dad tried I know he tried to reunite us but that woman stopped" he takes my hand squeezing it trying to give me comfort. "You know anything about them" "just that I have twin seventeen year old siblings named Ryan and London, and four sisters named Laura, Aurora and Ariel" he nods "want me to look them up" I shrug "even if I say no you probably will and if you don't Adam or Jay Will so I don't care...I don't even know if I want to meet them or anything yet the only thing I certain of is that woman and her daughter aren't allowed near my children" "speaking of" he reaches over grabbing a piece of paper handing it to me. I stare at it in shock "now if they come near you or your kids they will be arrested they know about this to" I stare at the paper in shock "Justin told me what happened at the hospital a few months back now it took time but I couldn't worry about my child" "that why Justin moved in" he smirks shrugging making me sigh "and he made out it was for the baby" "pretty sure it is but he is worried about them just like all your other kids that were there" "my kids talk Henry it's all over the but Denise cause they don't want to concern the seven year old" I say causing him to laugh "do they all know" he nods "I spoke to all of them before putting them on" I nod just staring at the restraining order. I guess being best friends and having a baby to a police Sargent has its perks.

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