Mr Pout

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I hadn't spoken to Adam all week according to Will and Henry he hadn't been coping well

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I hadn't spoken to Adam all week according to Will and Henry he hadn't been coping well. It's been driving me crazy. I had almost called him several times but somehow stopped myself. I was having a family dinner. I had invited Henry, Erin and Justin hoping for them to buffer the tension a little.

I rub my face. I was nervous. "It's going to be ok" Will said trying to squeeze my shoulder. "Will it" I ask looking over at him. He had arrived early to help set up. "Mum" Jay exclaimed hugging me Henry, Justin and Erin not far behind. I immediately go over and hug both Henry and Justin "do you want a hug" I ask Erin not sure as I wasn't close with her she just laughs wrapping her arms around me. "So where the man of the hour" Will asks the four who shrugged unsure. It wasn't a minute later before he entered. I had already warned everyone about the tension, which everyone could immediately feel.

We all sat eating having a light conversation. Adam was silent through the whole thing just glaring at me and pouting. I get up and go into the kitchen to grab some water. I hear movement behind me making me spin around. "Why haven't you been talking to me" I sigh "baby" I weakly smile "I had to step back...I had to build my life not have my life revolve around my six boys your all old enough to look after yourselves" Adam just stares at me before turning and walking away. Tears build up in my eyes wondering what I did wrong. I throw a glass across the room. Wondering why I ever listened to Will in the first place. I had missed him everyday but I had people reminding everyday why I did this, keeping me busy. I sink to the floor leaning against the kitchen cabinets. The tears slowly fall down my face. I felt arms wrap around me. I lift my head, seeing Jay sitting beside me holding me. "Adam" "your on the floor crying and your worried about him" I move back squeezing his arm "Jay the number of times one of you have made me cry is unimaginable his my baby always will be" "Hank went after him" Erin said trying to ease tension. Jack sits beside me "have to say we have sat in some strange places but never here" I weakly laugh to what jack said bringing a smile to my face "Will followed Hank" Jack adds. I stand up grabbing both boys hands pulling them up before turning to Justin and Erin. "Let's go watch a movie" I smile.

We were all on the couches comfortable in the large living room. We were watching the avengers movie Jack picked. "Hank is probably killing Adam right now" Erin said from Jays arms "oh I remember the porch talks" Justin adds "something tells me this is worse" Jay chims in but you can tell he doesn't care. "Yeah the guy clearly likes mum" Jack joins randomly but doesn't take his eyes off the screen "stop I don't want to think about Voight and my mum" Jay groans annoyed

I jump up startling everyone the moment I hear the door. I see Hank, Will and Adam. "Everyone ok" I glance at all three they all nod smiling. Will kisses my head before going in and joining his siblings watching the movie. Hank slaps Adam before following after Will not before sending me a smile. I point to the dining room causing Adam to nod. We step into the room I immediately create a little distance. "I'm sorry" I just stare at him with my arms crossed "I love you more than anything I just I don't think I knew how to handle it" he began making me sigh and sit down "I missed you and when you weren't there it hurt it was driving me insane" he glanced towards the living room "but Will explained it told me how it was his idea how you did deserve to be happy have a life" I run my hand through my hair "Adam you will never stop being my entire world you and your brother are the most important thing to me and if a boyfriend or my work can't fit around that then it goes not you guys got it" I stand right in front of him putting my hand on his face, he instantly leans into my touch. He had tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry mumma" he whimpered I just wrap my arms around him. I slowly slide against the wall to the floor. Adam leans against my chest holding me tightly. "I'm so sorry" I pull his face trying to force him to look me in the eye "Adam look at me" I demand and his beautiful bright blue eyes meet my eyes "it's not the first and it most definitely won't be the last time you make or see me cry" i tell him "but you see the thing is I cry sure you and your brothers are human and are capable of making me cry but I always forgive and love you no matter what" he nods weakly smiling. He pulls back from me getting up and helping me up. "He likes you mum" he begins "I hate it but he likes you more than a friend" I was very confused "I remember Voight and Justin from when we were kids Jay does to mum" he rolls his eyes "he likes you" he repeats "if he didn't he wouldn't have followed me out and shouted at me for hurting you" my eyes widen and I go to leave, I wasn't going to let him yell at my kids. "I deserved it" Adam confessed "after the yelling he told me if I didn't come in here and make it right he would put me on patrol so could you maybe go in there smiling" I laugh hugging Adam one last time. "Your my son my baby I forgave you the moment you left" I smile " plus you didn't do anything sure I was upset...but I think it was more at myself" I shrug making him nod "now let's go in there before we miss the whole avengers movie" "jack picked" "him and his damn superhero's" I roll my eyes sarcastically "if only he liked guys like me who actually solved problem" I laugh walking into the room with him behind me.

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