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18 years ago

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18 years ago

Adam was five, Jay was nine and Will was twelve.

"You have to tell me what's going on sweet boy" I move his beautiful brown blonde hair out of his face. He shakes his head "jay" I said making him look at me "I know you didn't just fall over" I told him. His body was littered with bruises. He wasn't his playful normal energetic self. Something was up. I sigh pulling his shirt over his head. I knew he could get ready by himself he normally does. I sigh hiding the tears. Seeing him like this made me want to cry. He wraps his arms around me "it hurts mumma" I softly rub his back carful not to hurt him. I stand up placing him on my him, he wants nothing more than to be comforted. "Let's go see what Auntie Camille and Uncle Henry are up to" i say he doesn't move. I walk through the kitchen seeing Camille putting tea on "I will be back in a sec just got to talk to Henry" she nods. I walk outside to see Henry sitting on the deck, Adam and Justin running around the backyard. "Everything ok" Henry asked seeing my concerned clearly seeing my worried face. I sit beside him "I need you to tell me if I'm overreacting or just tell me what you think" he nods watching me. I pull jays shirt up showing him the bruises he gasps. He gently touches it like in a trances of shock. "What happened" "he won't say and I can't get anything out of Will" "you think" I nod "it's Pat yep" I look down at the now sleeping Jay. He was so peaceful when his sleeping, even if his clutching my my shirt for dear life. Henry turns to me "you need to take a breath" he could clearly see what was going on in my mind. "You don't know what happened his our fierce troublemaker" I smile at that "he could have gotten into fight or many stop thinking the worst" he calms me down or tries to "take some photos make sure there dated" Henry said "forget about it until he or will say something or you see or it's reported you care for these boys so much to the point where it will probably kill you" Camille said making us aware that she's there. "We just watch him be there for him and see" She adds smiling walking over and moving his hair kissing his forehead. He is like a little kid we were just starting to grow, he wasn't clinging onto me like Adam does. He was just coming into who he was. It now seems like his a kid again. His clinging to me, he couldn't sleep alone often ending up in my bed. He always wanted to be around me. This week it's even started to get hard to take him to school. His teachers even tell me his not his usual self. I sigh "Addy is going to be very jealous" I say causing Camille and Henry to laugh.

I had dropped both boys off at school and Adam at preschool only to be called back. Jay was apparently inconsolable, they tried to get him to calm down or even tell them what's wrong but nothing worked. They called to ask if I had any methods but I said I would pick him up. I rush into the office kneeling down in front of him the moment i see him "hey baby you ok" he latches onto me like I'm the air he breaths. He doesn't say anything just cries. I look up at the teachers "that's the most his move since he got here he screamed whenever anyone got close" I sigh going to stand up but he won't let go "Ace mummy has to talk to the teacher but you can hold her hand" he shakes his head crying I sigh picking him up. "Your strong and brave" I smile at the teacher it wasn't his teacher but I knew of her. "Yeah" I nod signing what I have to sign "how long until the bell goes" she looks confused "can't imagine he would want anyone to see and his not ok to think otherwise right now" she nods looking up at the clock "uh about fifteen minutes" "just enough time for us to get out without Will seeing or Adam recognising the car" she laughs nodding "I have four I know what you mean hope he feel ok soon" I smile waving goodbye rushing away.

The whole way home he didn't stop crying. The moment I got him out he latched onto again not letting go. I throw my stuff and his stuff down on the chair in the corner not particularly caring. I sit down on my couch with him onto of me, I stroke his head holding him tight. Just comforting him, the best way I know how. "Hey everything ok" Camille rushed in. I had no idea how she knew. Jays body shaking as he cries. "I don't know" tears in my eyes, I felt like a failure. I couldn't comfort him. "Hey stop that you are the best mother on the planet...your making whatever it is better by just holding him I can promise that" Camille said sternly "never doubt yourself you make the right decision for your kids even when your not sure...hell Justin I'm sure would much rather prefer you as his mother" "that's not true he loves you" "yeah but your his Aunt Lillie" I smile rubbing jays back "your kind, caring, patient you give them the absolute world...those boys are so blessed to have you" I just listen "I know your mind is spinning and your doubting yourself your worried but don't go down that rabbit hole just yet calm him down shower him with love and ask him" she told me "Henry and I will grab the other two so don't worry about them" "your a good friend Camille" she laughs "for a long time I thought you and Henry had feelings for each other but I have since learnt that you guys just care about each other your best friends and your car trip talks are like your therapy" I laugh "you and Henry need each other" I smile "his been a parent a father to two of your boys for years now" "yeah because Pat is a drunk if I could get his rights revoked then I gut is telling me he did this Cami" she sighs "I know I think Henry's guy is telling him that to but you can't go after him on a maybe you will loose them Lillie I know you won't survive that" I sigh "just want be their mother their number on" I stare at Jay who's calming down just sniffing "Lillie you go to let this go it will destroy you from the inside let Henry deal with it...he will leave you out say he suspected it they need you especially if something is happening" I sigh I knew she was right "try to get Will to talk Jay won't he starts crying every time you bring it up he shuts down but maybe Will might talk to protect his little brother...Will does everything to make sure Jay is safe so he might crack" I nod knowing it's true. I rub jays back the tears slowly falling "if we are right then I failed" "you didn't fail anything you give them a home which is filled by love and laughter a beautiful perfect home" I sigh she wraps her arms around me "your perfect to them don't ever question that even for a moment you hear me" I nod leaning into her. She was like my only girl friend. She was always there. I met her through Henry of course I had known him forever. But Camille and I hit it off, to the point where Henry would joke that I'm trying to steal his wife. We just got each other. We were always there when the other needed saying exactly what needed to be said. My best friend besides Henry of course. She also far better at telling me what I need to here. Henry knows but his far more blunt about it, I just grew to love that about him.

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