Superficial Exterior

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Chapter 27

      Gasping, he clasped his hands at his chest, checking for a pulse on each wrist and his neck, observing his surroundings, calming his rapid heart that was making a physical warning that it might finally give in to years of mistreatment, and with that his mind would soon follow. Letting his vision adjust, the room was still looming in the dark, no candles lit with the daylight peeking underneath the curtains, the original habitant giving the other a startle at their shifting only for nothing to come of it. Sitting up he struggled to calm his unsteady breathing, overtaken with a case of insincere fear, throwing the blanket off to examine his body reassuring himself that there was no danger, there being no traces of blood. Had it all been a dream?

      Whatever that had been remained faithful to life, Arthur never appearing to be of aide or any comforting notion, deciding to remain at the Queen's side deciding his dream might have been a telling, one to keep him near. Keeping a level head throughout the day, brushing off anything that might have caused his mood to swerve keeping a tranquil tone, though the other had mistaken this for Alfred finally giving in to the emotions he had been suppressing, fighting against the other to strengthen their bond. Rather cooing over how docile the other was being this day, never once reconsidering if there was any motive, only knowing that as he rested in the throne, the blonde never left from his spot at the end of the steps, throughout the day being called up when company was vacant. The blonde stomaching his pride and rather prominent urge to vomit or run out, taking each kiss and touch respectfully, giving small fake smiles through the rope constricting on his throat, authorizing him to overindulge in his fantasies, the King simply humouring them for the time being.

      The click of doors closing installed dread, rightfully placed in it's own way. "Well, today was rather tedious." Taking a sharp inhale with each enclosing step, letting his eyes open to face the other giving him a forced smile. "My dear, you truly are stunning in this hour."

      Grasping onto his hand he held it close, kissing his knuckles, "Thank you, your grace." 

      The action stunned him, struggling to find any words to express it, this is how he had always imagined the King would act towards him, now that it was happening he was overwhelmed. Withdrawing his hand to caress , "Now then dear, don't be so proper towards me. After all, you are my husband."

      His mind reverted, throwing him into nights dancing with Arthur, managing to calm every nerve that yelled and pushed to remove the others hand. Not able to hide the flushing at the memory, rather embracing it even if it wasn't due to this man. "Yes, how could I forget." That dreadful day, how could he ever forget, although now wasn't the time to think of it. 

      Reaching up, bringing his King down into a kiss before pulling away, "Come, lets have dinner before we head off tonight." 

      Dinner had to be the worst throughout this entire ordeal, he had managed to withhold any words or looks during his work hours, far too occupied with things that had no reason to be concerned with the monarchy, in truth what he had claimed to be malicious crimes were some of the minimalistic one's he had ever heard, to consider them crimes was absurd. The time they spent in the dining hall was a much more detestable experience, having to enthrall himself in conversation despite wanting to fall far from this. 

      Messing his hair up he looked to the other, turning to go close the curtains, almost ripping them down when he heard the other speak, arms enclosing his waist, "Will you join me for the night?" 

      Calming his racing heart he nodded, placing a hand onto the others, "Of course, darling."

      Being dragged onto the bed, the mattress folded around him, the other sitting a top of him, pulling him into a kiss, Alfred running his hands up to his shoulders. Turning his head as he felt the others hands travel, reaching down to his own waistband, tightening his grip on the other as he withdrew what he needed, doing his best to distract the other, wrapping a leg around. Flicking his gaze up to the other, his eyes closed. Tightening his grip he captured the other in a kiss, opening his eyes to peer at his Queen who stood far away, clearly struggling with the sight but knowing that this was all going according to their plan. Raising his right hand above the other's back, slamming it down over the others left, yanking his hand back before kicking him off. Wiping his lip, looking down to see the knife covered in crimson. Scrambling back on the bed, watching the other comprehend what had happened clutching his heart as he looked to the other blonde. Who stared in shock, his breathing rocky as his shoulders raised with each breath, eyes wide and flickering over the other's figure, not able to believe what he had done watching as the Hearts Queen started coughing, clinging to any bit of life, Alfred's stomach twisting.

      "Was this all apart of your plan, to siege the Kingdom?" His voice hoarse as he looked to the golden blonde, not with a look of hatred but sincerity, one that made the other's shakes worse. 

      Getting to his feet he couldn't stop shaking, the bed keeping them apart but the other seemed to be dying slower than anticipated, pulling the rings off his finger, setting them on the bedside table. "The Kingdom?" Questioning as he looked to him, grabbing onto his own shoulder, trying to steady himself, tears pouring before speaking in a frail voice. "No, I just want to go home to Spades." 

      A loud chuckle filled the room for a minute, "Was I really that terrible to you, that you would still want to return to that twat?"

      There wasn't any time to respond, the other dying before he could respond, dropping the knife as he stared over to his husband. On the verge of getting sick, his shakes getting worse, "Arthur," Covering his mouth, hands trembling, "Arthur what did I do?"

      It took time, the other refusing any touch has he had a breakdown, Arthur fighting to remain there before Alfred finally accepted what he had done, which even for him had been pretty quick. Saying he had done worse things to people he actually cared for, and as much as he wanted to pretend he felt sympathy for the disregarded body, there was no point in mourning someone who had done as he had. Stating how after so many hits, and kicks throughout the years, there was no way he could ever shed a tear of remorse. Leaving a detailed list of a new system, knowing that soon enough when the Queen didn't return to their position that the castle would be stripped to find him.

      Turning to Arthur he let out a sigh, expressionless before letting his face fall, looking the other over who stood in his purple robe unable to suppress a smile. Watching as Arthur held out a hand, showing a smile, "Are you ready to return?"

      Reaching out he locked his eyes on the others, "To you, to everything. I've been gone for far too long. I need you back in my arms." Halting as he looked back over, this would never be known, his appearance was fickle and the Queen was well hated. None of this mattered, but he knew what did. Eyes watering at the thought of finally getting to go home, to be with Arthur who was short tempered but fair, to what he may not have appreciated. Stepping closer, a knot tying in his throat, hand falling through, his husband sharing the same broken expression.

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