My Darling

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Chapter 22

       Letting the sun burn his neck, being the middle of summer compared to when he had supposedly arrived in the start of autumn it was nearly unbearable, no wind to cool and temperatures reaching highs he had never messed with. What kept him sitting in his seat was something he never thought would, the Queen informing him that there was something of crucial importance that was to be discussed. Thoughts running, and his heart racing, some trace of hope circulating throughout that needed to be stomped out before it was shattered, wanting nothing more than for the Queen to say his attitude was absolutely abysmal, how he could no longer stomach initiating every touch and conversation. Anything to remove him from his current position, the second he was outside of the palace walls he could look for an escape back to Spades, back to the one he craved for with every second. 

      Jumping in his seat, cool fingers wrapped around his left, pulling it across the table, "I'm sure you're curious as to why I've called you on such a tiresome day." 

      Ofcourse, being called upon the day when all meetings proceeded gave him the little flicker needing the flame to grow and flourish throughout. On these days, he never encountered the other until late in the day, when it would be considered night. Despite being out in the sun often having grown pale, bones beginning to show, and clothes loose. Nodding to the other's words, far too exhausted to form words. 

      "Close your eyes my darling." Hearing the instructions, hesitance lay over, in the months held as a willing captive he found there to be no hope of return, however dying was out of question. If there was any chance of Arthur reaching him, what would happen if he was dead, the other exerting himself all for nothing. Flicking his gaze towards the other, who had never rose from his seat despite his short stature. Grip tightening, finally doing as told. Waiting with bated breath for an edge to be dug into his neck, penetrating the skin, cut from ever seeing snow fall before hurriedly rushing to catch the purple-cladded blonde, who in turn would be surprised and lose his voice. Arms slipping down to his forearms, leading, being caught by the moonlight in graceful steps, waiting on foot before being caught once more, capturing him in a kiss, not caring who saw before picking the man up into his arms, both well exhausted to return in the night and talk over nothing and everything until they fell asleep hand in hand. 

      "The moon will be rising tonight." A visible grin of attainment, rising to kiss Alfred's temple, walking back through the glass doors. 

      The feeling wasn't crushed, ripped into shreds before set aflame, the ashes grinded to dust and thrown into the deep seas. Staring in horror as a ring set with red gems adorned his ring finger, getting up quickly before running to the bedroom and into the restroom. Barely managing to lock the door as everything came up at once, accompanied with loud sobs never eased with the non-stop shaking.

      Found later in the corner of the bedroom, making it appear as though nothing had ever occurred, tear tracks still visible, although never noticing as he was lifted without any issue. The Queen pulling the other to him, running through his hair, serene with the comprehensible weight loss, rather fondling over it as he ran his hands through where cheekbones were visible. Laying next to him, smirking with the only reaction was a small groan despite the other being dragged into the violent hold, "I knew I would have you at some point, my dear King." 

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