Caught the King

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Chapter 18

      Having resumed his seat they spoke faintly, Arthur often remaining silent. Alfred sat across, attempting to not cause suspicion but something wasn't right, he could feel it deep down, even if they were in a high stress situation he knew the other to at-least make a few snippy comments. Not to mention, where was the lecture about how idiotic his actions had been, that they weren't coordinated and how he had jumped without a second thought. It wasn't coming.

      Standing up he held a hand by his chest, palm facing out, refraining the other from speaking as he walked over to his companion. Something wasn't right, and whatever it was he wouldn't rest without knowing. Lifting Arthur's chin slightly he gave him a smile, leaning him in and waiting for the right moment, seeing the others eye's close before yanking down the left side of collar. The other's eye's flew open at the brash and abrupt movement, while Alfred stood, hands shaking as he pulled away slowly brows trying to furrow but he was so confused and scared that he didn't know what emotion to feel. Not even having the power to form an expression as he felt his body freeze, the only movement from where his brows fought to press together but never gaining the ability.

      Quickly backing away from the other, who in turn cocked his head to the side, frowning deeply at the taller man's actions. He stared, his throat constricting and cement settling under and around his sternum, pressure appearing in the form of a headache. "Come now, sit back down."

      Shaking his head he took another steady step back, "Who are you?"

      Unfolding his legs, inhaling deeply before sighing, "I'm who you believe I am to be," Turning his attention back to the Spade King, "Your Arthur, the one you're meant to be with, my King."

      Withholding any screams or sudden reactions, tremors taking over his entire body. Letting out a weak but audible, "No."

      Standing up he dusted his slacks, taking one step forward to which the other reacted with one step back, arm slightly raised and turned to an angle, prepared to make a break for it. "Alfred, my darling, I'm giving you one chance to take your seat." His tone mixing from honeyed to stern, brows furrowing.

      Now it made sense, Arthur never considered leaving, Feliciano was never with Ludwig, all of it. This wasn't their world, this was some screwed up fiction, that became a reality. This wasn't his Arthur, but rather the other worlds, which meant that his was still stuck here somewhere. "Where is my husband?" Demanding from the other, his footing going into a defense position. "I know you have something to do with us being here, where is he!" Tears beginning to brim his eyes, and heart rate increasing as sparks sent through, anxiety becoming more clear.

      The desperation falling off the other, mixed with his adrenaline sent the other into a sense of power, knowing that he had more control in this situation. "Why, I'm right here-"

      Strangulating his words he dropped any sense that might make him seem terrified, intimidated by the other. "Stop lying."

      Sighing he shock his head, looking up to the sky, "You really can't just let some things go, can you?"

      If the blue eyed male had been confused for a second, it was cleared up in seconds, not having seen it coming as his feet were kicked out from beneath him, bracing the impact with his arms, a force in his sternum keeping him down onto his back as he looked up, which was oh so gratefully assisted by the other version of Arthur forcing his head up with the scepter.

      Neither spoke for some time, Alfred in shock with no way to comprehend what was happening, while all the same the other stood atop him, furious with the other denying him. Finding his voice his heart leapt into his throat, yet still looking to the Queen, "What do you want with us?"

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