Trapped King

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Chapter 19

      Quite to his dismay they worked rather fast once the numbing solution had been placed onto his arm, going after the meticulous shards of glass in his arm with tweezers, looking away as they did so as to not trigger his brain into a frenzy at the sign of blood, knowing he was already on the slow ever collapsing verge of falling off due to what his mind had endured. Starting to overthink his life decisions, he had done everything he could and now it felt lacking, that he could've done more and honestly should've, yet he hadn't. Regrettably, he could not do anymore for his Kingdom. With that last thought his mind drifted, into much darker thoughts, was it even his Kingdom anymore, was the Arthur he had married considered his husband? 

      Either the numbing solution lost its affect, or the thought hurt more than he thought, his eyes tearing up and a sound leaving his throat. Hearing the clatter of shards placed onto a metal platter, each one of them at different intervals, the smaller pieces taking longer than the larger shards, ensuring that they didn't drive any further into his skin. Water occasionally being poured to clean the area, not daring to miss even one shard. Looking off with a disinterested look as the gauze was finally wrapped around his arm, given instructions to not move for some time.

      When the other came to retrieve the King, he saw that far away gaze, no real light in his eyes, what was in it being artificial a prodigy of his surroundings. Yet it didn't seem to phase him, running a hand up to his shoulder, dancing along his jawline yet receiving no reaction. Sighing as he grabbed onto his right hand, looking over to his left arm able to see blood already staining.

     Trying to figure out each individual memory he concentrated on the floor; hearing a sound of a frightened scream from the  King of Diamonds, gold glinting in the sunlight as a heel came down. Gloved hands enclosing on the King's coat, falling into his own as he proceeded to pull them up. Porcelain cup, gold curves extending upward against a cream, a smile pulling, hiding it behind the cup, black tea wafting into his senses, never spotted with cream or sugar. Closing his eyes, nights out under the stars ruining clothes from the rain that had down poured earlier, the complaints that had ensued before finally falling onto Alfred's chest, disregarding the stars. Rose scent clouding during the summers, vases being prepared directly by the Queen's hands, resting in their studies and room, a mixture of red and white, just as Arthur liked them.

. .

      Collapsing onto the floor he took notice of the flooring pattern, getting further affirmation due to the stinging brought from his knees taking most of the hit, averting his eyes he refused, uneasy of what may be ahead, gathering the remaining shreds of courage to peer upward. Stomach twisting, chest compressing, eyes locked and cemented upon the King's throne.

      Door's bursting open light pouring in, blinding him immediately not managing to get even the slightest glimpse, and never having learned how to indicate the difference between steps as he was engulfed in darkness once more. Hands resting upon his neck, presumably searching for a pulse. Peering through lashes to see long strands of brown hair, the next indication with the warm hands.

      Having managed to overlook still remaining on the floor, having taken the impact with his knees saving his hands before falling onto his side.

     Grasping onto Yao's robes returning his gaze to him, no longer considering it, throwing his pride and dignity off from the highest balconies. Tears falling on the spot, and despite his stripped vocal cords he spoke clear and loud, the advisor working to help him into a sitting position. Pulling away with a startle despite having tried his best for the other. "He has him. He has Alfred!" Slightly shaking the other from how his own body trembled. 

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