Starting the case

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Reid's POV: I keep looking at the geographical location of each fire. I can't find a pattern yet and only snap out of my thoughts when a hand rests on my waist. I turn quickly and see that it's just Aaron. "Hey, hey it's just me. Calm down." He says and I relax. "Sorry I didn't hear you come up behind me." He smiles and I kiss him. He backs up and we walk out. We go to our cars and I join Gideon so nobody catches onto Aaron and I.  When we get to the jet I sit down and look at a map and mark what we know. I also narrow it down a bit and get a general area to look at when we land. "Hey pretty boy, what you got there?" Someone asks and I look up to see Morgan. "It's a map. I'm just marking out what we know and what we can eliminate inside the circle I've made here." He nods but looks confused. "So what are you doing though? Gideon said that you're going to make this case easier." He says and I laugh. "He tends to make me out to be better than I am. I'm doing some geographical profiling. It will help us find where they're going to meet up or strike next. It just depends on what I'm looking for." "So this is what you do? You mark in maps and try and help us?" He asks and I nod. "In a sense yes. I can take in large bits of important and remember it perfectly if I've read it. I can do the same with things I've heard as long as it hasn't been years since I heard it." "Damn your smart. Where the fuck have you been this whole time?" He says and Aaron says from one of the couches "He's a genius. He's also been busy with family matters." I smile at him and Gideon eyes the two of us from his spot next to Aaron. JJ and Prentiss get on and we take off.

During the flight

Hotch's POV: Spencer keeps marking on the map he brought with himself and adding slight input throughout the conversation. I can see that he's uneasy though and everyone seems to pick up on that fact. After a bit he gets up and makes himself a pot of coffee, and it's soon gone. "Reid are you feeling alright? You drank that without sugar." He nods and sits back down. "Things just don't seem right. If......." He trails off and mutters to himself. Jason pulls out his phone and calls Dave. He walks away for a moment before coming back and puts his phone away. Spencer looks at his phone and a smile smile shows on his face. He looks over at the two of us and mouths a thank you. Jason nods and everyone leans back to relax a bit.

After they landed

"Alright everyone we've going to go to the hotel for the rest of the night. We can go to the station tomorrow." Everyone nods in agreement. We drive to the hotel and Jason gives the place a call. I can barely hear what's being said in the other side, but Jason seems to mumble on about it. When he hangs up he sends a text to JJ. "Two rooms are available. Two beds and a pull out couch are in each room. Due to weddings that were scheduled, they only have to available rooms." He says and I hum and Morgan mumbles something in the back seat. "Hey Hotch, what's up with Reid?" He asks and I look at him confused in the rearview mirror. "What do you mean?" He leans forward. "You know what I mean. He seems really anxious and keeps mumbling. Also why hasn't he really been at work?" Morgan asks and I tighten my grip on the steering wheel. "Leave it alone Derek!" He sits back and get out the second I park the car. We walk in and I find Morgan interrogating Spencer.

Reid's POV: "We all have family issues, so why the hell have you really been gone from the field?" Morgan asks for the tenth time since we got inside. I walk outside and he follows me out. Everyone goes after us and he grabs me by my arm. I shove him off and he goes back into the others. "You want to know why I've been gone so damn bad!" Aaron and Jason freeze in place, unsure of what thing I'm going to tell them. "My mother has schizophrenia and dementia! So ya you have family shit going on but unless you had to send your own mother to a mental institution, you have no fucking idea why I've needed time away from work!" Aaron snaps out of his daze walks over to me. I look down as he leads me away from the others. I can hear Jason yelling at Morgan as we get around the other side of the building. He pulls me into a hug and I rest my head on his chest. "Love it's okay." He says and I nod my head a bit. I wrap my arms around him and he kisses the top of my head. Eventually we walk back inside and we agree that I share a room with the girls. The three of us get in the room and I take the couch. I set my things down and go make a cup of coffee in the little kitchen, in the room. "Hey Reid your phone is ringing. It's from some person named Dave. Do you want me to answer?" Emily asks and I nod. "Put it on speaker for a moment." She sets it on the counter and the three of us listen to Dave.

"Hey kid, are you alright?"

"I'm alright Dave."

"Who else is in the room with you?"

"JJ and Emily."


"So what's going on?"

"For starters, Jason called me and asked me to check on you. I know Aaron already calmed you down but he and I were still worried. We know how sensitive the topic about your family is. Second I need advice on how to get little bambino to sleep."

"Is he still awake at this time?"

"Yes. He misses being at home."

"I figured. Can you bring the phone to him?"


I hear him open a door and the sound of Jack crying. The phone sounds as it's set down and he talks to Jack a bit as he picks him up.

"Hey bambino, guess who's on the phone?"

"Hey hun."

"*Random baby babble*

"Interesting hun, very interesting."

"Any idea on how to get him to sleep?"

"Sing to him and play with him a bit."

"Thanks. Have a good night and don't be afraid to call."

"I will and you two get some sleep as well."

The line goes dead and I look up to see the girls looking at me. "So you have a son then?" Emily asks and I hesitate on an answer. "Maybe, maybe not." They stare at me confused and I drink my sugar loaded coffee. I grab my phone when JJ grabs my hand. "I didn't know you had a wedding ring. When did you put it on?" She asks and I smile a bit. "Well before I got to the office, I was looking after the little guy and had to keep it off so that he didn't try and use it as a teething toy. I just put it on after my whole blow up on you all. I do want to apologize for you guys about that. You two didn't deserve any of that." They smile and Emily says "It's fine. Morgan should have stopped asking about it. We were wondering but we should have shut Morgan up for you instead of making you tell us." I smile and eventually we all get ready for bed. I wish them a good night and send a quick text to Aaron.

Goodnight ;):R

A:Goodnight love

I put my phone on the charger and attempted to sleep for the night.

The next day

I got up and made coffee for the three of us, while reading over the file for the tenth time. I may have an eidetic memory, but it can't hurt to go over things again. When we were all up and outside Morgan walked over. "Look I'm sorry about last night." He says and I nod. "It's fine. It's not like you're the first person to ask." He nods and walks back over to the other SUV. We get to the station and I see a girl in one of the interrogation rooms. I walk over to the room and an officer stops me and says "Sir she's not going to say anything to you. She hasn't said a word to anyone since we took her in, so don't waist your breath." "I'd still like to talk with her if I may. Unlike you, I don't really look as if I poss a threat." The officer nods and I walk in the room. One quick look at her and I can tell that she was an escaped victim of our group of unsubs. I grab a water bottle and set it in front of her. "Hello, I'm Dr. Spencer Reid. Do you mind telling me what happened to you? I promise it helps." She looks up and she looks angry. "You don't know that it will help! You've never been in the shit situation I was in!" She yells and I sit down and roll up my sleeves to expose old burn marks and scars. "Actually I have. And me and my team want to help. Please, tell me what happened."

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