10. Imladris

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     Once Elsinore slipped back into sleep, she slept peacefully. No nightmares came to torment her once her eyes had drifted closed and her head slipped from its perch in her hand, falling into the crook of her arm and unconsciously nestling deeper until one side of her face was scrunched up. She remained there, unmoving, until long after the rain past and the sun had found its way between the hills surrounding the valley and filled the dale with its timidly golden light. Even for creatures of darkness, Rivendell was a safe haven filled with peace and tranquility.

     A soft touch to her shoulder was enough to startle Elsinore awake. The poor, unsuspecting elf that had dared to disturb her gasped and dropped her book when the she-bear latched onto her wrist with a murderous scowl.

"Forgive me, my lady, I didn't mean to frighten you," she nearly squeaked, her expression calm but eyes fearful.

Elsinore's predatory mood faded as soon as she was conscious enough to realize her attacker meant no harm, and she felt a twinge of guilt as she released the elf's wrist.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to intrude," she apologized as she realized she wasn't supposed to be there. "I was wandering Imladris last night and I must have fallen asleep here."

"Was your room not acceptable to you?" 

"Oh, nothing of the sort! It was my own thoughts and musings that kept me awake."

The stranger smiled and nodded, heartened as she stooped to recover her book. Elsinore watched her, confused as to why she seemed so familiar when they had never met. It was something about her blue eyes and black hair.

"You seem familiar," Elsinore thought aloud.

"I am Arwen Undómiel," she smiled, dipping into a curtesy as she rose. "My father is Lord Elrond."

Turning a scowl into a polite smile, Elsinore allowed the issue of Arwen's familiarity to pass.

"Elsinore. It is an honor to meet you, my lady."

"Elsinore?" Arwen smiled. "You are the Gwathrn Rív that brought us Frodo, then."

"Yes, Lady Undómiel. Your father is very gracious to allow me to live under the magic that shelters this valley."

"He is a stern man, but he wishes only what is best for those here. Do not be frightened by him."

Elsinore's smile was a little too sincere when she replied,"I'm not."

There was a lull in conversation as Arwen took as seat across from Elsinore, both of them admiring the landscape the she-bear loved so much. The rain had moved on at last, leaving a dampened but golden world behind it. Water droplets still trickled down the other side of the glass, making the light dappled as it found its way to the two women. The valley was even more stunning in the light of the sunrise, and it was a moment Elsinore copied to memory, so that when she eventually left she could always remember the incomparable beauty of elvish places that she would only ever see this once.

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