Chapter 12. Fighting In Other Dimensions.

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I might add more characters. That depends though if I really want you guys to get confused even more than you possibly are. You probably are confused? Anyways here’s the next chapter. If the lyrics are wrong sorry, had to type them while listening to the song.


(Raven P.O.V.)

    You all might know me as dead. Well I partially am. Lets just say I’m a walking demon. A lot has happened to me of to which I am trying to get my sister to notice. She won’t listen though unless its in a dream. Pathetic humans…though she’s not human. The virus that Sgt. Knox gave her made her somewhat angelic. If she tries hard enough a wing pattern will etch on her skin then she’ll have wings. She needs to know how close he is, how close she is to death.

(Hawk P.O.V.)

    “Eagle, have you mastered your vision yet?”

    “Kinda. When you look at someone and think of which eye sight you want to use then it should work that way. Unless you are somewhat different.”

    She wouldn’t look me in the eyes. I knew perfectly fine how to control my vision I just wanted to look into her eyes. As I was about to ask Eagle another question the guard walked in.

    “Ok, everyone. Today you will have to work in teams. Your not going to fight though, your going to sing. Pair up with a person and let the singing begin.”

    Oh singing…I HATE SINGING!!

(Owl P.O.V.)

    “HEY!! Broski Eagle! Waz up? Well I hope that you know that your going to be ma partner dontchya. If not I’m taking ya anyways ya know?”

    “Ok, cool with that.”

    “So what song are we going to sing Eagle?”

    “I don’t know Owl, but the song we do has to have a dance to it to add effect. If not it will be bland. You get what I’m saying.”

    I knew perfectly fine what she was saying. She wanted us the Shazam our routine up.

    “Let me know when we start, k Jr.”

    She smiled. “No problamo.”

(Eagle P.O.V.)

    I nodded to Owl to start.

    “I hate you for the sacrifices you made for me. I hate you for every time you ever bleed for me. I hate the way you smile when you look at me. I hate you for never taking control of me. I hate you for always saving me from myself. I hate you for always choosing me and not someone else. I hate you for always pulling me back from the edge. I hate you for every good word you every said. BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! Shut your dirty, dirty mouth. I’m not that easy. BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PIMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! I’M A DIRTY, DIRTY GIRL I WANT IT FIFLTHY!! BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! Shut your dirty, dirty mouth. I’m not that easy. BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PIMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! I’M A DIRTY, DIRTY GIRL I WANT IT FIFLTHY!! I love you for everything you ever took from me. I love the way you dominate and violate me. I love you for every time you  gave up on me. I love you for the way you look when you lie to me. I love you for never believing in what I say. I love you for never once giving me my way. I love you for never delivering me from pain. I love you for always driving me insane. (I’ll bleed you dry now…) BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! Shut your dirty, dirty mouth. I’m not that easy. BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! I’M A DIRTY, DIRTY GIRL I WANT IT FIFLTHY!! BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! Shut your dirty, dirty mouth. I’m not that easy. BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! I’M A DIRTY, DIRTY GIRL I WANT IT FIFLTHY!! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I LOVE!! BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! Shut your dirty, dirty mouth. I’m not that easy. BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! I’M A DIRTY, DIRTY GIRL I WANT IT FIFLTHY!! BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! Shut your dirty, dirty mouth. I’m not that easy. BLOOD, BLOOD, BLOOD!! PUMP MUD THROUGH MY VEIN!! I’M A DIRTY, DIRTY GIRL I WANT IT FIFLTHY!! I hate you for every time you ever bleed for me…

(Hawk P.O.V.)

    “Ok, that was uhm…”

    I couldn’t think of what to say. MAN did I think of that the wrong way.

(Sgt. Knox P.O.V.)

    “Group I need to let you know something. We are not going to train you to be fighters in this world, that’s what Alice and her team is here for. Whenever you fall asleep have you noticed that you have continued the life you had in the test. Well that’s where your going to fight. You were put in the test to see if you could be strong enough to fight. Well you are. Now you will go back into the test every time you sleep. There you can actually transform into the animal you are. For instance, Hawk can change into a hawk and a Elemental Gryphon.”

(Eagle P.O.V.)

    I spoke the words that everyone was thinking.

    “So us as in Hawk, Owl and me are to fight a fight that’s not in this world but in another?”


    Ok, doesn’t sound that bad.

Yeah I know its short but its better than nothing.

Sweet Murder. Book 1.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora