Chapter 10. Stage 3 - Truth.

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(Breeze P.O.V.)

    “COME ON SUNSHINE!!” I pushed Leon aside and shook him awake. Poor dude looks really tired.

    “Sleep.” He mumbled grabbed me with his arm and continued to sleep.


    Leon’s head popped up and he looked at me quizzical. “What did you figure out Breeze?”

    “Ok, think about this.” I took a breath.” The llama pancakes were eaten by the awkward turtle that was killed by the purple elephant which died by the deadly silence leaving a few crumbs.” I smiled, todays speech was accomplished.


    I looked at Leon.

    “Want a good morning hug?”

(Leon P.O.V.)

    Do I want a good morning hug? No how bout a good morning kiss…yep that’s my style. I just looked at Breeze. She seemed to be happy that there was someone to communicate with. I rolled over, I just want to sleep.


    I stood up, man she would yell my name louder if she had to.

    “Yes Breeze?”

    “Lets get going. Oh and change into leather clothing. When you came here there should have been a bag next to you.”

    “What bag? The one I used as a pillow?”

    Breeze just looked at me.

    “No Leon the one you used to wipe your butt.”

    “Wait was it the one I used to wipe my butt seriously thought it was the one I took a shower with.” She was going to be sarcastic at me, fine I’ll be sarcastic at her.

     Breeze then smiled. “K get changed then catch up with me.”

     Uhm might I say weird.

(Molly P.O.V.)

    Waiting, waiting, waiting stupid microwave wont cook faster.

    “I want a new microwave, no I need one.”

    Sine Leon and Breeze haven’t been to school in a few days I’ll have to get there work. Teachers should be happy I mean what’s the worst that can happen?


    “What do you mean I can’t get there work!!”

    “Your not there parent. The school passed a new law saying only parents can get there work.”

    “Well I see then.”

    I turned, open the office door, slammed it breaking all the glass in it, slammed the front door to the school also breaking that and then I kicked a random car.


    This day couldn’t possibly get worse. I kicked the car again, smashed the windows and slit the tires. I ripped out all the wire and doused the leather with water. I took out the radio system and then started to beat the car with a bat. Next thing you know I’m getting trampled by a dog, bombarded by a cop and yelled at by a pedestrian. The dog didn’t hurt and since I’m a trained killer the Taser did nothing, the pedestrian annoyed me though.

    “Ma’am I’m gonna have to arrest you for vandalizing a police vehicle.”


(Iris P.O.V.)

    I’m floating around the airport just minding my own business when I notice that I’m in a different part of the airport.

    “Dude, I’m lost.”

    No seriously, I haven’t been to this part of the airport before. It had a subway oooooh SUBWAY I WANNA EAT FRESH!! But then hey, I’m a ghost… I can’t eat…I continued on my way to see several other ghost wandering around.

    “Hey I can see that you fellow ghost are new. What side of the airport are we on. The area where they go to Scotland or Greenland.?”

    They didn’t get my joke…pa-tooey.

    “Never mind.”

     As I continued to float, yes I said float, around I wondered why this part of the airport wasn’t that crowded. Then I found out why. This is where the Banshee’s hung out, meaning my sister was here.

(Leon P.O.V.)

    As we walked I had a feeling that what we were and how we came to be wasn’t the truth. I needed to figure out how we came to be to this state. In order to do this it would mean that I would have to find out the truth about everything.


    “Hm?” I could tell that she was thinking. She had the ‘why do you want to talk to me when I’m thinking look?’

    “What happens if everything we know, isn’t as it seems.”

    “I don’t know…”

    We continued to walk, eventually getting to a stopping point.

    “Breeze I’m going to do something don’t freak out.”

    Then I killed her.

(Molly P.O.V.)

    Breezes body went poof. Leon then woke up and didn’t look so happy.

    “What’s wrong Leon?”

    “I’m Sorry.”

    Then he shot me.

(Leon P.O.V.)

    I shot them both. Now we could see what the truth is. What reality is. Sitting on the ground I sat there thinking. Nothing would happen unless we were all dead. So I killed myself, allowing everything to be the way it was meant to be.


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