Chapter 1. The Past.

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10 years earlier…

    “Hey, Iris! Whatchya been up to?”

    I waited for an answer but she didn’t reply. She was always looking off into the distance.


    I turned around to the mention of my name but couldn’t find anyone.


    I now turned around in a full circle. Who was trying to get my attention?

    “Hey, Breeze, we need to go pack.”

    Rose startled me. She was the oldest out of us three, six years older. She thought that just because she was 12 meant that Iris and I had to listen to her.

    “But Rose! What about Iris?”

    “Just because you and Iris are twins doesn’t mean that you have to stick together. For once in your life do something different!”

    Feeling like I was 2 from her nice speech about “differences”  I walked to the house stunned. She never said stuff like that. Not if she was threatened, ran over, mauled by a pack of bears, never. Why did she all of a sudden flip?


    About two hours later everything was packed and we were ready to move.

    “Ok children,” mom said in her normal “happy as a clam” tone. “The new house has four bedrooms, each with there own bath. A huge kitchen that has all new appliances, I might add. A dining room that’s old but looks new at the same time,” her voice squeaked with pleasure. “A huge back yard with a pond and more. Thing is, that’s all I’m going to tell you. The rest you will have to find out.”

    Man I couldn’t wait. Four bedroom’s, to which I get my own. A pond to where I could swim and a huge backyard to invite friends over and play! This is going to be awesome!!

    “Oh, bye the way, the car ride is a two day long trip…”

     Everyone’s mood decided to pack a bag and move south. A two day long trip. That’s like saying you cant have ice cream after dessert. Telling a child that they can’t play outside in the rain. Crushing someone’s heart, stomping on it, then laughing at them and saying they shouldn’t of gave their heart away when they didn’t do it in the first place.

    “MOM!! You know I can’t go on long car rides!”

    I imagined my sister sitting their in the back of the car. The disgusting stench of vomit as it came flowing out her mouth, filling up the bag and spilling all our herself and the floor. Maybe if she didn’t have such a light stomach this wouldn’t of happened.

    “I’m sorry honey,” mom said sweetly. “but we really need the new house. Plus I packed barf bags for you. Your all covered.”

     Hope the bags could hold a downpour of lunch…and dinner. Snickering as the thought went through my head.

    I looked over at Iris. She looked like she knew something, like a secret that you couldn’t tell. When I looked harder she was whispering to her self.

    “I will not tell…” is all she kept whispering.


  Four hours later, three barf bags that surprisingly didn’t break or overflow, fifteen restroom stops thanks to mom, and I was about ready to run like the British were after me (Don’t mean offense to anyone who’s British! Please don’t take it offensively!) Rose kept constantly complaining, mom kept wriggling in her seat and dad kept going the pace of a snail. Seriously, who in the world goes 10 miles under the speed limit!

     Iris didn’t do anything. She didn’t eat before we left and she still wasn’t hungry. She was never hungry these days. Wonder what was up with her?


     “HOME SWEETE HOME!!” I hollered outside my car window. I didn’t care who saw me. I could care less. The fact was, I was still alive. After seeing my mom get sick and have to join Rose in the back seat and non intentionally watch them puke a rainbow together, I was kinda scared. Who threw up orange stuff after green?

    “On the count of three go find your room.” Dad waited a few seconds. “.45, .80, 1.” Great he was doing decimals… “K, screw this. 3!” Everyone hit the floor and ran. If I was timed I could have been close to a race horse’s pace! I felt like I was flying!

    Rose was the first to find her room. It was a bright green, neon almost, with a carpet that was as orange as orange gets. Her closet was purple with wood for the flooring. She had a section cut out from the wall to put her bed, same with her dresser. What I liked most was the windows. In total height they were about twenty feet tall and twelve feet across. What she got for a view was an attempt at a garden by the previous owner, that looked more like the sewers.

    I ran past her room to get to my room. My room was blue, frost blue to be specific. It was a 20 by 20 foot square with a 8 by 8 square extended back five feet to where I was assuming my bed went. The window was like my sisters but looked a little different. My closet was a wrap around closet, the size of a regular closet. The carpet was as white as a cloud and soft to the touch. When I walked into my bathroom it was about a 10 by 10 foot room. The tub was in the middle, shower to the right, toilet to the left and once again, a window that took up an entire wall.

    Iris’s room was a copy and past job of mine just with different colors. Her walls were fire red and carpet midnight black. Her bathroom was also the same, even the colors down to the exact atom.

    “Mom!” I waited a few seconds. “MOM!!”


    “Can I see your room?”

    “Not right now, it’s not done being built?”

    What did she mean “it’s not done being built?” Wasn’t the house in perfect condition when we came here? Or did we leave on one of dad’s brilliant idea of attempting something that he should not. This is going to be interesting….


  I awoke that night with a start. Why had I been awoken? It was only three in the morning. Slowly getting out of bed I went to my sisters room’s. Neither of them were there.


    When I looked around there room it was in perfect condition. Normally I was the only one who kept my room clean out of us children.


    The scream was cut short with a gurgling sound. I raced out of my bedroom, down the front steps, into our yard and onto the dock. Finally I came to a stop. I kept walking forward without actually wanting to. At then end of the dock I stepped in something. When I looked down I realized what I had stepped in. I stood in terror. Two bodies were in front of me. Two bodies of which I was never to see dead.

    When I looked down I saw both of my sisters dead, and I was standing in there blood…

New story. Couldn’t figure out what to write for the other one. Kinda got bored on it as well. So here’s my new story. Don’t have to fan or vote but please comment. I like to know what people think of my work.

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