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Ok in the last chapter the bio thingy kinda got confusing. Anyways I’ll do a bio about everyone so you know more information about the characters. This time it won’t be confusing.

Breeze Whisper Sands.

Age: 16

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 120lbs

Ability/Transformation: Elemental Gryphon.

    The Elemental Gryphon is a rare type of Gryphon. It can change into any element and even make up some of its own. It can put armor on and take it off. The longer or more often it uses and element, the more controlled it becomes in that element.

Likes: Food, art, music, reading…stuff like that.

Dislikes: Teachers, opera…and lots more.

Past: Had a regular life until her sisters died. Kept living like normal until her mother killed herself then she got the feeling that some one was trying to kill her. Doesn’t know that she’s an Assassin in training.

Iris Hope Sands.

Age: 16

Height: 5’7”

Weight: She’s a ghost, can’t weigh her.

Ability/Transformation. Siren.

   Has the normal abilities of a siren though she can cloak herself to appear human.

Likes: Unknown.

Dislikes: Snobby people and when Breeze can’t hear her.

Past: Was killed by someone and is trying to get Breeze to see who it was.

Rose Peace Sands.

Age: 22

Height: 5’9”

Weight: Another ghost, can’t weigh.

Ability/Transformation. Banshee.

    Anytime any one sees her they die within seven days.

Likes: Nothing.

Dislikes: Everything.

Past: Helped kill someone that was killed herself.

Truth Hollow Sands.

    Everything is unknown about this character.

Honor Secret Sands.

    Same as Truth.

Leon Jackson.

Age: 17

Height: 6’2”

Weight: 135

Ability/Transformation. Elemental Gryphon.

    Same thing as Breeze just a little weaker because male Gryphon’s are weaker.

Likes: Unknown.

Dislikes: Unknown.

Past: Was once part of a secret society and got an ability from it. Master Assassin.


Age: 17

Height: 5’7”

Weight: 123

Ability/Transformation. Elemental Phoenix.

    The Elemental Phoenix doesn’t need to rebirth itself every three days. It can live for eternity as long as its stone isn’t broken. The abilities of the elements are the same as a Gryphon but water elements are not that strong due to the Phoenix being fire.

Likes: Giving info, knowing the past, herbs…etc.

Dislikes: When people don’t listen to her.

Past. Is the leader of the secret society that gave Leon his powers to make people fall unconscious. Master thief and Assassin.

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