Chapter 8. Stage 1 - Intense heat.

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(Leon’s P.O.V.)

    It has been three days and she still hasn’t woken up. I can’t tell her father where she is, he might harm her. Anyone might harm her. The only person that knows where she is, is Molly. But then of course Molly knows everything.


    She came running out of the room.

    “Yeah, what the world ending or something. Dang didn’t even get to skydive yet.”

    “Erm, no the world is not ending. You can still skydive but I need to go to school. Can you take care of Breeze?”

    She looked at me like I was stupid. Then smacked me upside the head.

    “DUH!! DERPEDERPEDURP!!! What do you think I’m for. Information!”

    “Sorry. See ya later.”

    I made my way to school careful to avoid anyone. Being trained as an assassin I am always on my nerve. I could feel Breeze struggling to get out but she couldn’t unless she fought her way out. The reason why she couldn’t get out was because 1) she was in to long and 2) this is the time she unlocks her Gryphon.

    Her Gryphon. When I change into my Gryphon I am all black. My eyes are red and I have the power to do anything. She is the somewhat complete opposite of me. She will also have the power to do anything but she’s supsto be white. Kinda like the yin yang though were both good.


    I turned around.

    “Leon, nice to see you. Haven’t been to school for a few days. I was starting to worry about you.”

    Oh god, Chelsie. She is about the most annoying, preppy, thinks she knows everything, have to like me, pounds of makeup, always on weight loss crap type of chick.

    “Uhm, ok?”

    Today is going to be a long day.

(Molly P.O.V.)

    “Watching a lifeless like body…number one on the list. Number to on the list is…lets see watching a lifeless body. HEY!! Lets just make that the entire list! IMMA GENIUS!!”

    I could tell that Leon wasn’t happy. For the last three days he has been stressed to the max. I mean over the max. He has been by her side twenty dash four seven. He has only allowed me to go near her and won’t let her go home. So there goes to the funny story.

    One day her dad came over. He knows me and I know him. How idk? Anyways Breeze was just laying on the couch mindin her own beeze wax and her dad comes up and walks to ma door…So I open the door, with Breeze on the couch and see him. Out of all people HIM!! So I say hold a sec gotta change into some clothes ya know. And then I pick up Breeze and mover  her to my room and get changed. Jeesh the girl is LIGHT! So I get changed and go back and he’s sittin on my couch. MY COUCH!!

    Deciding that I wouldn’t want to anger anyone I ask him if he would like something to drink. He says yes. So I give him a pure silver cup that happens to burn his hand. Then I get the clue that HEY HES A FRICKEN WAREWOLF!! Anyways he thinks that I was trying to kill him and says that he will never come back…every.

    Now back to watching Breeze.

(Breeze P.O.V.)

    The first stage. Immense torture. How? Simple. Heat. It started off low and for the last who knows how long, well three days it has gotten to about 200. Why haven’t I died yet. Simple. A Gryphon is used to extreme conditions so this won’t kill me. Just possibly make me go insane. I could tell that it has been three days because I can hear Leon’s thoughts when it’s a time or date. Well I can only hear him say a time or date. If he says anything else I can not hear it…sadly.

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