Waxing Lyrical

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'Miz Turner, vill you please stop valking in front of zat bloody thing?'

Tina glanced down at the sensor and frowned.

It was the fourth time she'd accidentally activated the automated rendition of We don't need another hero in the past hour. Even Elvis was starting to look bored.

'Sorry, Albert.'

'That's Mr Einstein to you.' The scientist attempted to smooth back his unruly white hair.

'So let me get this straight.' Marilyn adjusted her feather boa. 'Your theory is that someone has somehow managed to bring us all back from the dead?'

'Ja. Zat is exactly vot I believe Miz Monroe, but za science of how zis was done is beyond even my knowledge.'

'There's just one thing wrong with that theory, honey.' Tina was perched on the edge of a crate, swinging her legs in time to her own music. 'I ain't dead.'

'I don't remember dying either,' protested Trump, 'I can't be dead.'

'Yeah,' growled Tina, 'but you also denied losing the last election.'

'That was fake news.'

Cleopatra launched into yet another tirade of absolute gibberish.

'Uh-huh.' Elvis patted the Nile queen's bejewelled shoulder, nodding his head sympathetically. 'Go on, darlin', you just let it all out.'

Marilyn raised an eyebrow. 'You speak Egyptian?'

'Not a single word.'

Cleopatra glared at Marilyn and eyed her glittery skin-tight gown with disgust. Then she muttered something unintelligible.

'Methinks the lady doth dislike thee,' proclaimed Shakespeare.

Marilyn tossed back her platinum locks and winked at him playfully. 'Well, that's just too bard.'

The blush started at his ruff collar and rapidly spread upwards.

There was a low-pitched rumbling from the far corner. Everyone looked over at Henry, who was still asleep on his gilded chair.

Marilyn grimaced as a rancid stench wafted around them. 'That guy is disgusting. Are all your kings like that, Willy?'

Shakespeare shrugged. 'I knoweth not.'

'Let us out!' bellowed Trump, hammering on the door again. 'Nobody imprisons the Donald and gets away with it.'

Elvis leaned towards the others and whispered, 'Who's the shouty orange guy?'

'I don't know.' Marilyn narrowed her eyes. 'But if he grabs my keester one more time, it's gonna be the last thing he ever does.'

Elvis looked around the dank, windowless room. If it wasn't for the fresh patch of plaster on one of the walls, he'd have guessed it'd been deserted for years. 'Where do you think we are?'

'Maybe Donny boy has had us all slung in Guantanamo Bay,' sniped Tina.

'Watch your mouth, lady. I've sued people for less than that.' Trump frowned. 'Nobody calls me Donny boy.'

'Ze real qvestion is, vy us?' Einstein looked around the room. 'Ve seem to be a random group of people, all von different places unt times. Is zis some kind of time-travel experiment?'

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