18. Marina?

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*Not edited*

Authors pov

The next day,

December 25, 9:12 a.m

It's Christmas. The burrow is supposed to be filled with happiness, celebration and fun. It's the time they would unwrap their presents to represent love and friendship. They didn't think they would fight some death eaters or they didn't know that one of their friends would be suffering from them.

However, they're organizing to make their plan work.

"That's awful," said Draco. He just took the poly juice potion. By the look on his face, it's obvious that it's his first time.
"How do I look?" He asked after transforming completely into Lucius Malfoy.

"Awful, yeah." Said ginny. Draco glared at her. "But perfect" she persuaded. "Now, I kept some clothes in Ron's room. Change into them. I'll be waiting for you downstairs, yeah?" Told ginny. Even though she's trying to sound confident, Draco could feel her hands shivering.

He took her hands into his and squeezed them. "Hey, everything will be fine. She'd be home by this time tomorrow." He assured.

Ginny gulped and nodded. "It's just- that- I- I was never a good friend. First the harry thing and now this. She deserved better." She controlled those tears.

"Don't you dare blame this on you. Merlin, Potter's rubbing it on you. You listen to me, it's not your fault and nor was her loving harry. Trust me, you are the friend anyone could ask for. She's lucky she got you"

Ginny smiled through tears. "And I'm glad I got you"

Draco smiled back.


When Draco stepped down, everyone's waiting for him.

"I so wanna beat you to a pulp. But you're not exactly Lucius Malfoy" ron huffed.

"Thanks for not doing that. I'm Draco, just a reminder"

"You should change that voice." Harry reminded him.

"Okay, we can't waste time. We all know the plan. Let's get this over with" said sirius. "Everyone! Don't die" he tried to motivate but, naturally, sirius is bad at that kind of stuff.


Draco apparated harry and ginny directly into the Malfoy Manor. Harry and ginny hid under the invisibility cloak.

"Where should we search her?" Ginny asked in a hushed voice.

Before anyone could answer they heard,

"Master Malfoy" one of the death eaters called.

Lucius/ Draco's heart raced as the death eater approached him.

"You said you wouldn't be coming today, sir."

Lucius/ Draco cleared this throat. "Just came to check out. Nothing serious." He tried his best to sound like his father. He didn't succeed but thankfully the death eater didn't notice.

"The girl is in the dungeons" that death eater said.

Harry and ginny's heads immediately shot up. They didn't waste much time as they sprinted to find the dungeons.

"We're sorry, Master Malfoy. We couldn't bring Harry Potter." Draco's eyes widened with that statement. "It's all the girl's fault. According to our plan, the girl, I mean Marina was supposed to bring the potter boy outside the burrow an hour before 12. When we reached there, we only saw Marina and Potter's girlfriend was some distance away. We panicked and brought Marina instead. Now, she's frightened that you would slaughter her. So, she locked herself in the dungeon"

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