17. The Plan

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Author's pov

"Ginny!" Harry yelled as he saw her sobbing silently on the ground.

Ginny shivered when she felt harry's arms grab her by the shoulders. "What happened?"

"They...dea...death" ginny stuttered making harry worry more. Suddenly, she had no strength to talk or move and her eyes started to shut. Nonetheless, she tried to keep them open, wanting to tell harry that Kathy was taken by those suckers. But, she couldn't as everything turned dark at once.

Ginny woke up to some disturbing noises around her. For a minute she thought whatever happened outside was not real. It was just a nightmare. Was it?

"Gin?" She looked up to see Harry gazing at her with concern filled eyes.
Ginny didn't give him much attention as she was focused on searching for Kathy.  To her dismay, Kathy's not here. Everyone's here, even Draco has arrived but...

"Where's Kathy?" Ginny inquired, hoping that they would answer with 'she's in the room or the bathroom' or something.

"We were hoping you know," told Hermione.

So, it's true. Kathy really has been taken by those creeps.

Ginny instantly sat up. She bit her bottom lip furiously trying to control the tears.

"I do know"

Ginny explained everything. As she completed, her stomach swirled when she eyed their horrified expressions. She looked at Harry hoping he would say it will be alright and they would find her. But he began to panic.

"Ho- can- what-- I-" Harry stammered couldn't able to muster up any words.

"Why her?" Asked ron.

"Maybe because she's the only one outside." Explained Mr Weasley.

"Yeah, but why do they do with her? What do they want?" Hermione muttered?

They kept conversing trying to figure things out.

"Draco!" Harry shouted.

Their all eyes shot up to harry who was silent all this time.

"What is Lucius up to? Was he planning anything?" He asked.

Draco's startled by harry's sudden outburst "I- I don't know. Mother and I were at Blaise's house so I didn't get to have some proper conversation with him not that I want to" he snorted.

Ginny got up "So, you weren't home?" She asked.

"No, I didn't even go home since the holidays started. Mother said we should visit zabini's. I agreed. I mean it's better spending time with blaise than that creepy Manor" retorted Draco.

"Could he be any more obvious!? " Harry yelled.

"Even if Lucius kept Kathy in Malfoy Manor? Why?" Luna asked.

"I'll write dumbledore," said Molly and excused herself.

"We-- we'll go there to the Manor.. to find her...bring her back, right? Harry? We will, right? Won't we?" Ginny strolled to harry.

"That's insane! Malfoy Manor has too many death eaters that could take us down easily" responded Mr Weasley.

"But we have to save her" protested ginny on the verge of tears.

"Hey, we will. Trust me" harry assured and hugged her.

Abruptly, Sirius walked in
"What the hell happened?"


"We need a plan," said ron. "It's not like we could just barge in"

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