10. Forgiveness

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Third-person pov

The next morning,

In the Great Hall,

"He wouldn't budge. I tried to wake him up but he said he was tired. Kathy slept in my room yesterday night. She said she doesn't want to go to the common room. When I walked into the girl's dormitory, ginny is up but she didn't want to leave the bed. This is a lot, ron" Hermione ranted but ron wasn't even listening.
He's busy shoving food into his mouth.

"We.should.do.something.Ronald" Hermione slapped Ron's back receiving a groan from him.

"What can we possibly do mione? It'll take time. It's a big issue, you can see it too right?" He retorted.

"I know, but..."

"Hey ron, Hermione." Greeted dean. His voice is dismal.

"Dean" mione greeted back. Ron nodded.

"How's ginny? Is she okay? Skeeter wrote horrible things about her. I can't stop thinking about it. I wanted to talk to her so badly but I couldn't even find her anywhere." He kept rambling shocking ron and mione.

"Calm down, mate. She's not okay. I mean, I can't lie and say she's okay. We need to give her some space and time. That's all we can do" said ron.

"She's been in the girl's dormitory all along, dean. That's why you couldn't find her." Explained Hermione.

"Oh," Dean whispered sadly. "I hope everything turns out fine. I'll see you guys later. Let me know if ginny comes out of the dorm" he nodded and walked away.

"He didn't even ask about harry." murmured mione under her breathe.

A few minutes later,

"Where's ginny?" Asked a cold voice.

"Malfoy?" Shouted Ron and Hermione at the same time.

"Is she doing fine?" He asked with a straight face. But they could see his worried expression.

"Why do you care?" Asked ron, not with anger but confusion.

"Why don't you answer the darn question, Weasley. I want to talk to her. I...am...worried about her" he confessed turning red with embarrassment.

The couple gasped. "Y...you're what?"

"Why can't you cut the crap and answer me?" He wanted to be nice to them when he approached but he's also worried about ginny that he didn't care about his tone.

"How else would she be? She's dreadful. Even I want to talk to her, Malfoy. She wouldn't give a chance" answered mione.

He nodded. "Kathy? How is she?" He reluctantly asked.

"You're scaring us, Malfoy" ron hissed. "Are you not Draco Malfoy? Is that harry in poly juice potion?" Inquired ron with a white face.

"If Potter uses poly juice potion to turn into anyone, that wouldn't be me. By the way, ginny and I are good friends. I know everything. So, Kathy?" He asked again.

"She's the same as ginny. It'll take some time."

He stared at the couple for a minute, nodded and walked away.

"No one's asking about harry" mione again muttered to herself.


Ginny's pov

Gryffindor common room,

It's been three days. Three days since the witch weekly incident, three days since I talked to Kathy, three days since I saw harry. I didn't even see him anywhere. Well, I'm indeed avoiding him. It's not the rumours that bothered me, it's Kathy.
How can I talk to him like nothing happened?

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