The Fear

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'ok I gotta hide, being scared of her makes the situation even worse'

grace thinks to herself and tries to look for a hiding spot in the dark and dim room she is hiding currently

She suddenly spots a long and big bed resting in the middle of the room against the wall, grace quickly goes to the bed silently and hides under it for now till the mother finds her

The mother was really close to the room where grace was hiding and she knew grace was hiding in there like a little mouse

But as she was about to go in the room the mother hears a loud thud from the third floor across the second floor hallway which is pretty close to her, grace also hears the loud and strange thud

The mother starts to walk towards the loud thud

'whatever that sound is, it's basically my life saviour' grace sighs in relief as she closes her eyes

William's POV (point of view)

I was hiding in the third floor in my secret room where no one really knows about it, I used to hide in this small room when I was a kid whenever mother beats me up as I cry

This room strangely comforts me and I like it no one really used to comfort me because I don't tell anyone or else the kids would be worried sick about me and it would just ruin my whole plan of escape..

I just sit in here waiting to see if mother really finds me now, cause this is the only place in the whole building without those cctv cameras

As I was just sitting here waiting, I decided to go and see if mother is coming

When I get out of room I suddenly here some kind of loud laughing...but the laughs were quite sinister, as i know who it is ,i rush towards the laughs I started to hear mother talking

"Don't you wanna agree with me you little BITCH!"

I peek to see her from the spiral stairs connected to the second floor and the mother was heading towards a room I was pretty damn sure grace was hiding in that room where mother is heading

'should I help that idiot?' I think for a second

'nahh she is not a kid or something and I even told her about mother so..' as I walk back to my hiding spot my elbow accidentally hits the flower vase beside me and obviously it fell down on the floor carpet making a huge thud

"Fuck!" I groan irritatedly

I knew the mother was gonna come to me at any second

As I hide in a room I know, attached against the wall, some footsteps appear to echoes in the silent hallway, I knew right away who it was and I slowly peek outside the room I'm hiding in

And there I see mother looking for me, but she suddenly goes to the opposite room I'm in, I see she was pissed off by something

A low smirk forms on my face

As I see her going to some other room I quickly run to the second floor without making any noise of my footsteps which was my speciality I learned when I was kid

I also knew that the mother heard me running

So I ran to the room where grace was hiding in

When she sees me she was pretty shocked by my sudden presence

End of william's POV

Grace gets up from under the bed when she sees william out of no where

"Were you the one who made that thud?" Grace asks him immediately while smiling like an idiot

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