The sad eyes of his

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Grace wanders around the orphanage looking for william suprisingly

"ugh I don't even know why I'm looking for him but I just feel something is wrong" she convinces herself by saying that
She searches and searches but couldn't find where he is

"urgh you know what I give up why in the world am I even looking for that jerk" she walks past a small anonymous hallway and sees something from the corner of her eye, grace turns and looks at it and spots something unexpected, william lying down on the floor unconscious looking white and pale as a paper

"william!" Grace rushes to him and sits beside him trying her best to wake him up

"william! William!" She yells while patting his face gently "shit miss said he is sick but who looks more than being sick" she tries to lift him up and take him to his room which is pretty close to them , and suprisingly grace lifts him up easily

"what the heck!? Why is he so light weighted and... soft just like a Feather" 

she quickly carries him to his room with his hand around her shoulder, after some moments she finally stops infront of his room and realises something huge

"fuck what am I doing I would go to the future if I go to his room" grace again go to her room and lies him down on her bed slowly and quietly, she sighs... "finally.."

'i should probably tell to miss about his health' grace was about to leave the room but was stopped by william holding her hand slightly

"don't leave me" he murmurs but she was able to hear it "..."

Suddenly her heart starts beating faster "w-what the hell! Why are you beating like that" she says while pointing at her heart... She slowly sits beside the bed on the floor for him

'wah how can a innocent and beautiful looking guy like him be such a jerk?....but why does he look so sad this time'

She places her palm on his forehead to check his temperature

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She places her palm on his forehead to check his temperature

"huh it's cold as ice just like his personality" she smiles in a goofy way, and suddenly out of the blue william wakes up and quickly rises his body to sitting position not noticing grace beside him

"hey don't just get up like that you idiot" "huh?" "You are terriblely sick in a weird way" "what the hell do you mean by in a weird way?" William asks while being both annoyed and confused

"everyone become hot when they are sick but you became cold" william just glares at her 'ugh I should go to my room immediately' william thinks as he tries to get up

"hey don't get up how many times should I say!" He ignores her and tries to get up, but fails completely and falls on the bed again

"well that's what you get for not listening to me" grace says while folding her hands "just wait here don't go anywhere, I have to bring something" she says and willaim just looks away annoyingly not being able to do anything in this situation
After a while grace comes back with a small bowl of warm water and a soft towel with her

"oh so you actually didn't run away" willaim looks at her "what the hell is that?" He asks sternly

"your treatment" she sits beside him on the bed and he distances himself from her a little "can you lie down" he ignores her "ugh" she forcefully lies him down on the bed

"hey!" "Oh shut it act nicely atleast once" grace dips the towel in the warm water and squeezes the excess water, keeps it on william's forehead gently "why are you being nice to me?" William asks with a indescribable face

"I'm not being nice I'm just being basic, just treat a person when they are sick" william doesn't say anything but suddenly grace notices something on his body slightly

"is that a wound" grace tries to reach the wound but william slaps her hand harshly and moves away from her

"it's none of your damn business grace!" William states  harshly.

"Geez fine! I guess it's my fault for being nice!" I yell at him we both look away from eachother.

suddenly out of the blue someone comes in the room, both william and grace look at that person

"mother.." william says being extremely uncomfortable with a slightly trembling hands he quickly hides them grace notices his behaviour instantly and confirms something is actually really wrong 'something is wrong between them but what is it?'

"grace dear what is william doing in your room?" The mother asks being confused "oh um actually he was lying unconscious on the floor when I saw him so I bought him here and treated him" "oh my really william?" She asks looking at william being concerned and he just looks slightly away ignoring her

"I guess you are not in the state to answer me" the mother says while looking at him, she goes to him slowly and gently keeps her hand on his shoulder

"grace dear you can go downstairs the dinner is ready everyone are there too, I'll treat him and we both will also join you all" william looks down, grace stares at her suspiciously reading the room

"I won't" she declares denyingly william looks at her with his eyes slightly wide open and the mother frowns

"I don't want to leave after knowing that william is this sick" "but I'll be here for him dear" mother says "but still I don't want to leave" 'is she crazy or something' william thinks in disbelief 'her eyes look just like her... stubborn little bitch'

The mother thinks cruelly "well if that's what you want grace dear" the mother treats william giving him some medicines and all that stuff and grace was just there sitting on the bed watching them

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The mother thinks cruelly "well if that's what you want grace dear" the mother treats william giving him some medicines and all that stuff and grace was just there sitting on the bed watching them

"yup we are done william you have to go straight to bed after eating your dinner ok?" Mother asks

"yea I sure will" william answers "ok then let's go and eat cause I'm already starving" grace says as she gets up from the bed, they go downstairs

'why did she even do that....I don't even need her damn help' william thinks as he looks at grace while trying to ignore this strange feeling developing inside of him

To be continued
Stay tuned;)

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